Hi Team,
We have stopped receiving data from workday since 1st march ,2023 .
When I checked the internal logs I found below : Can someone help me on this ASAP .
3/1/23 4:07:16.108 PM |
2023-03-01 16:07:16,108 ERROR pid=29165 tid=MainThread file=base_modinput.py:log_error:307 | Request failed with error code (401), retries exhausted
The HTTP Response Code '401' corresponds with an unauthorized request.
This means that your credentials are not valid and it is possible that they have expired. Have a look through the add-on documentation here:
Workday Add-on for Splunk | Splunkbase.
The "Retrieve Client Values for the Add-on" section details how to generate a new token. Try and follow these steps again and then update the credentials within the add-on.
The HTTP Response Code '401' corresponds with an unauthorized request.
This means that your credentials are not valid and it is possible that they have expired. Have a look through the add-on documentation here:
Workday Add-on for Splunk | Splunkbase.
The "Retrieve Client Values for the Add-on" section details how to generate a new token. Try and follow these steps again and then update the credentials within the add-on.