We have some alerts setup using the Slack Webhook Alert Add-On, however after some testing, we have found that only Admins have the ability to create alerts that successfully use this alert action. I setup the permissions on the alert action so that the role of my non-admin users(default power role) has write access, but this still did not allow the alerts to fire. The error that is displayed in the logs is:
INFO sendmodalert - action=slack_webhook_alert - Alert action script completed in duration=8042 ms with exit code=5
WARN sendmodalert - action=slack_webhook_alert - Alert action script returned error code=5
Any help in figuring out what permissions are needed in order to allow my users to create and manage their own alerts without providing admin privileges would be very appreciated.
Check the permissions on your stored credential objects. They must be shared either globally or within the slack_webhook_alert app.
Check the permissions on your stored credential objects. They must be shared either globally or within the slack_webhook_alert app.
ty, i did find the permission error in the logs eventually(i had been looking in the wrong logs) and it was failing on trying to list_storage_passwords