We upgraded from splunk 4.1.7 to 4.2.3. After the upgrade the application McAfee Email and Web Security Reporter (McAfeeEWSReporter) is not working anymore. I want to know if there is a new version of this app. But I can't find the app anywhere on splunk.com.
The errors I got are:
Unable to find an eventtype web-traffic
Unable to get viewstate information; formatting may not be correct
The lookup table 'reason_id' does not exist. It is referenced by configuration 'syslog'.
The lookup table 'scanner' does not exist. It is referenced by configuration 'syslog'.
Arjan Goos
We can help you with that. We have developed an extension for Splunk, called WebGateway App. Ho it works:
Every administrator, who is responsible for systems on the gateway, should be able to interact
in the event of a failure of the proxy server. A quick overview of all running services is important. For fast and secure configuration and reaction to alerts, a good monitoring system is recommended. Splunk offers many possibilities for monitoring systems, analyzing log files and defining alerts. The „McAfee WebGateway App for Splunk“ has been specifically designed for evaluating traffic and monitoring appliances.
Please let me know which Splunk environment you're using at the moment and if that fits your expectaion.
I am interested in the "McAfee WebGateway App for Splunk"? Where can I find it, we are running Splunk version 5.0.2....
Actually, the error banner for missing lookup is displayed in other apps, not in the McAfeeEWSReporter app.
Here is the setting to change to fix it :
Solution A : by making the lookups available only in the app (safer)
go to manager > lookups
select the app =McAfeeEWSReporter
then change the permissions on the 4 lookups to make then :
Solution B : or by sharing the lookups in every app (will apply on every search having syslog data in the results, this may slow your search)
I checked the lookups provided in the app,
lookups fields in props.conf
LOOKUP-email_direction = mail_direction direction AS direction OUTPUT traffic_direction AS traffic_direction
LOOKUP-event_id = event_id event_id AS event_id OUTPUTNEW name AS event_name
LOOKUP-reason_id = reason_id id AS reason_id OUTPUTNEW name AS reason_name
LOOKUP-scanner = scanner scanner AS scanner OUTPUTNEW description AS scanner_name
[mail_direction] filename = direction.csv [event_id] filename = event_map.csv [reason_id] filename = logreasons.csv [scanner] filename = scanner.csv
direction.csv event_map.csv logreasons.csv scanner.csv
With this version 1.0 of the app, is the problem still occurring ?
We found out that the app was developed by McAfee.
for who may be interested here is the app.
the app was released by McAfee in feb2011 (for splunk 4.1.*) and may not be fully compatible with splunk 4.2.
I don't see this app in splunkbase. Is it an app you downloaded from splunkbase, or is it an app build internally in your company ?