We have some Websense proxy logs which are being parsed by the Splunk Add-on for Websense (https://splunkbase.splunk.com/app/2966/), however, the "user" field contains the complete LDAP string of Server, OUs, DCs, making it difficult to correlate against other indexes and user activity.
Example log event:
Sep 26 04:40:19 Sep 26 13:40:21 vendor=Websense product=Security product_version=7.8.3 action=permitted severity=1 category=101 user=LDAP:// OU=People,OU=Sydney,OU=APAC,DC=ourcompany,DC=org/Fred Flinstone (Boss) src_host= src_port=0 dst_host=m.velocity.ebay.com dst_ip= dst_port=80 bytes_out=0 bytes_in=0 http_response=0 http_method=- http_content_type=- http_user_agent=- http_proxy_status_code=0 reason=- disposition=1026 policy=- role=0 duration=0 url=http://m.velocity.ebay.com/clink/6d2f83c8f1d4cb3ed6aeda50d3561e2cd
We are only getting the LDAP protocol and servername, due to the spaces in the user field:
We need this:
user=LDAP:// OU=People,OU=Sydney,OU=APAC,DC=ourcompany,DC=org/Fred Flinstone (Boss)
to be this:
user=Fred Flinstone (Boss)
This search works perfectly, but we need to make it permanent at index time:
index=proxy sourcetype=websense:cg:kv | rex "user=.*DC=.*\/(?<user>.*?)\s+src_host"
We've also updated the props and transforms to make this permanent, however it does not extract the values from the user field.
TRANSFORMS-get_usernames = get_usernames
REGEX = user=.*DC=.*\/(.*?)\s+src_host
FORMAT = user::$1
I've tried a few similar Websense suggestions from the Answers site, however, they've haven't produced the results we need.
Turns out this was a simple little fix in the props.conf
We changed:
TRANSFORMS-get_usernames = get_usernames
REPORT-get_usernames = get_usernames
Turns out this was a simple little fix in the props.conf
We changed:
TRANSFORMS-get_usernames = get_usernames
REPORT-get_usernames = get_usernames
@milesbrennan have you noticed truncated logs after updating props.conf and transforms.conf as described here?
Not in our situation. Check your props.conf for "TRUNCATE=" value.
Thanks! I should have started my search here instead of Websense TSG 🙂