We want to make one dashboard using network diagram approach. Suppose there are 4 processes A, B , C and D, A is flowing data to B , then B is flowing to C and C is again to D. Each is creating own logs . Is there any process or way to show to flow into visualization .
Even I am looking for a solution similar to this. Did you get an answer ? @iamarkaprabha
@dkgs @iamarkaprabha there are several Custom Visualizations which could plot this kind of network data. Refer to few of the following in one of my recent answers: https://community.splunk.com/t5/Splunk-Search/looping-a-function/td-p/508245
Thank you @niketn for the quick response.
I have a bill named 'XYZ' and going through A, B, C, D servers for processing. Will any of the customisation help in showing the status of XYZ at each point of A, B, C, D. If so please let me know if there is an example to refer
Many Thanks
If your Status points are fixed i.e. A, B, C and D and for various elements you just need to show status at those end points, it does not seem like graph viz. Is your use case for Status Tracker? Can you add more details of your use case and provide some sample data and mock of what output you need? You are better off creating a new question as it seems different from the one asked here.
Do check out Status Matrix Custom Viz if it solves your needs.
By the way, Did you find the solution for your need. I am also looking for an answer similar like this.
This question is very general and vague. The answer would depend on what kind of processes and what information you thought was relevant about the processes.
So, let's start with how to ask the right question.
First, decide who your data consumer is for the dashboard you are creating. Determine the top two things that that data consumer wants to know when looking at your dashboard, and the top two decisions that data consumer may need to make. THIS DETERMINATION will underlie every other decision you make in dashboard design.
Next, review process A. What is relevant about process A to the information that your consumer needs to know and the decisions your consumer needs to make?
Do the same for your other processes, as individual processes.
Then do the same for the FLOWS from each process to each other process.
Finally, pretend you are that data consumer, trying to understand how the processes are performing and trying to make those two decisions, and decide what pictures, charts, graphs, or details would provide the simplest way to understand what is happenign and what to do about it.
At some point, you will have enough information to ask a specific and useful question. Then ask it.
I want to present a dashboard to show the flow of a bill (in a shop) from end user to an ERP system .There will be 5 different steps through which the bill flows. I want to show the same as a dashboard where a user will be able to see the status of all steps pictorially represented in a single dashboard which shows status of each step(success/failure) and the status of those servers in each step.
Is there a way to represent the same