Hey Splunkers,
I have a few dashboards I'm running that we want to update ever 2-5 minutes, but we don't want to utilize a real-time search.
These dashboards are being displayed on a monitor tv in a hallway. so no manually intervention is wanted. I have read other post that suggest i use XML, unfortunately i know nothing of XML.
here are the searches being run for each dashboard:
Dashboard 1:
index=pfe_os_messages sourcetype="log4j" | head 10000 | rex "(?i)(?P
Dashboard 2:
host=foo payment via manually entered card NOT "ConnectionProvider.java: 202" | rex field="_raw" "user/amt/invoice\s=\s(?
Dashboard 3:
host=foo [search InvalidRequestException] | timechart count
Dashboard 4:
action = run_report | timechart count
Any input or direction on Best Practice would be amazing!
Thanks in advance!
Hi apalen,
you should do some reading of the docs about Create and edit dashboards via the UI and related pages.
Here comes an additional hint: http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/6.1.1/Viz/PanelreferenceforSimplifiedXML and search refresh
or read here http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/6.1.1/AdvancedDev/AdvancedDashboard
cheers, MuS
There is a Splunk app called Slideshow that allows you display a set of dashboards on an interval. You could set it up with just the one view and it will refresh it automatically.
This may not work for you, but I needed to rotate between 5 dashboards with auto-refreshing. The solution I found was using a Chrome add-in (Revolver) that paused 2 minutes on each tab and did a refresh on load. The constant 2 minute refresh kept the session active so that there were no timeout issues. Lastly, we ran this in full screen mode. This solution works great for us.
Good Luck
Thanks for the suggestion! I figured out the XML command, i wanted to kick myself when i figured out how simple it was! haha
Hi apalen,
you should do some reading of the docs about Create and edit dashboards via the UI and related pages.
Here comes an additional hint: http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/6.1.1/Viz/PanelreferenceforSimplifiedXML and search refresh
or read here http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/6.1.1/AdvancedDev/AdvancedDashboard
cheers, MuS