I am new to Splunk. I configured the email Settings and tried to send email through alert.
But with no success i read the python.log file and received the error as below.
ERROR sendemail:443 - (501, '5.5.4 Invalid Email address', u'splunk@DESKTOP-******') while sending mail
Can anyone please help me on this issue. Did i miss any configuration.
Thanx in advance
Did this work with 6.5.x? When I read your post it looks from me that this is a new error that you get with 6.6.0
Enable SSL?
select none in email security and try
Can you please tell me where i made a wrong configuration ? From where "splunk@DESKTOP-** " is coming ?
Your from email address needs to be valid as per email RFC standards. Splunk@domain.com for example.
If you upgraded from a previous version, make sure you don't have a modified sendemail.py in the bin folder of your search app.
I installed a new Splunk(6.6.0) not updating .
What is the full email address you are using?