The query below is running in Splunk DB Connect version 1 but not in version 2.
FROM Request_Table
WHERE Closed = 'Yes'
AND System = 'PlainOld_Source'
**AND TRUNC(TO_DATE('19700101000000', 'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS')+((ClosedDateTime-18000) /(60*60*24))) = TRUNC(sysdate-1)*
) AS PlainOld_Alias,
FROM Request_Table
WHERE Closed = 'Yes'
**AND TRUNC(TO_DATE('19700101000000', 'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS')+((ClosedDateTime-18000) /(60*60*24))) = TRUNC(sysdate-1)*
AND Status ='Closed'
AND System = 'DSL'
) AS Connection_Source,
trunc(sysdate-1) Automatic_ClosedDate
FROM dual
I tried to dissect the query and I found out that on the condition in bold caused the error. Please let me know your thoughts on converting this to be compatible in DB Connect version 2 Splunk app. Thank you!
this is probably due to changes in the JDBC driver required to run on Java 8?
DB Connect v2 doesn't accept a slash in a SQL query because this sign is defined as reserved in file. For resolution of the issue see my comment in a similar topic ( please:
To resolve the issue, you should edit
change the line (usually its number is 123)
query = urllib.quote(query)
query = urllib.quote(query, safe='')
Don't forget to make a backup copy before editing. Take care to keep changes after upgrades.
Thank you for your answer and it worked. But I have another question, this Select * FROM DUAL query is not working but the inside SELECT statements are now working
FROM Request_Table
WHERE Closed = 'Yes'
AND System = 'PlainOld_Source'
AND TRUNC(TO_DATE('19700101000000', 'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS')+((ClosedDateTime-18000) /(60*60*24))) = TRUNC(sysdate-1)
) AS PlainOld_Alias,
FROM Request_Table
WHERE Closed = 'Yes'
AND TRUNC(TO_DATE('19700101000000', 'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS')+((ClosedDateTime-18000) /(60*60*24))) = TRUNC(sysdate-1)
AND Status ='Closed'
AND System = 'DSL'
) AS Connection_Source,
trunc(sysdate-1) Automatic_ClosedDate
FROM dual
this is probably due to changes in the JDBC driver required to run on Java 8?
Thank you for your answer. I am still validating if this really caused the issue.