I'm trying to run the following:
| makeresults count=1
| eval data = "{\"something\":\"something\",\"something\":\"something\",\"something\":\"something\"}"
| eval header = "{\"header-api-key\":\"something\"}"
| curl method=post uri="https://api.something/v2" headerfield=header data=data debug=t verifyssl=false
| table *
and I'm getting
"{"status": "error", "result": "Invalid json format in the request".
Also I tried to add
"{\"content-type\":\"application/json\"}" like :
| eval header = "{"{\"content-type\":\"application/json\"}",\"header-api-key\":\"something\"}"
but I get the some error. Note that I have the latest version of TA-webtools
Anyone has any suggestions?
Thank in advance
Try datafield=data
| curl method=post uri="https://api.something/v2" headerfield=header datafield=data debug=t verifyssl=false
Same error as before
I've used nearly identical settings and it works.
If you hit same endpoint using the actual curl CLI tool do you see the same issue?
Thank for your reply gjanders.
I don't have any error with the actual curl. The response is in a json format.
Find below the actual curl:
curl -X POST -d @option.txt -k -H "header-api-key:<API KEY>" "https://api.something/v2"
option.txt file:
"something": "something",
"something": "something",
"something": "something"