I am trying to draw a map from coordinate data.
Originally a geojson format file, so I did not create lookup
and imported it into Index.
count featureId geom
1289 Yokohama { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ 139.67603133597743, 35.45629161326741 ], [ 139.67587019455391, 35.455984838329698 ], [ 139.67581192028399, 35.455874054444109 ], [ 139.67579549866343, 35.455865027049413 ], [ 139.6757730219075, 35.455862386639865 ], [ 139.67574019485414, 35.45586863962609 ], [ 139.6757145012233, 35.455885386801185 ], [ 139.67570430560932, 35.455912585897181 ], [ 139.67576016879684, 35.456023531660719 ], [ 139.67582211409933, 35.456004135082821 ], [ 139.67586997421995, 35.456092360374164 ], [ 139.67594143974566, 35.456223891619345 ], [ 139.67593316508362, 35.45623641377955 ], [ 139.67595422810518, 35.456285026632713 ], [ 139.67597513644341, 35.45629405402741 ], [ 139.675981284209, 35.456309107779134 ], [ 139.67603133597743, 35.45629161326741 ] ] ] }
This is my Statistics result.
I want to visualization Choropleth map. But I can't.
I think the information is enough , but what is missing?
As a result of the investigation, the coordinates I prepared were wrong.
To draw on the Choropleth map
is |eval _featureIdField = "featureId"
. If there is not featureId
, no problem, too.geom
is MultiPolygonYou need these.
As a result of the investigation, the coordinates I prepared were wrong.
To draw on the Choropleth map
is |eval _featureIdField = "featureId"
. If there is not featureId
, no problem, too.geom
is MultiPolygonYou need these.
Great investigation, @to4kawa!!
Thank you @rmmiller
I have to find accurate coordinate information 😞
Also, in this case
I understand the behavior of dedup
and stats values ()
These hold on top.
The order of the logs is important.
e.g. A
| inputlookup geo_us_states
| head 1
| transpose
column row 1
_featureIdField featureId
count 0
featureCollection geo_us_states
featureId Alabama
geom {"type":"MultiPolygon","coordinates":[[[[-88.31002807617188,30.233232498168945],[-88.31002807617188,30.233232498168945]]],[[[-88.47322845458984,31.893856048583984],[-88.20295715332031,35.008026123046875],[-85.60516357421875,34.984676361083984],[-85.00250244140625,31.000682830810547],[-88.02840423583984,30.221132278442383],[-88.47322845458984,31.893856048583984]]]]}
There is _featureIdField
. If you delete this field (e.g. |fields - _featureIdField
) , Choropleth Map will not work properly.
e.g. B1
| inputlookup geo_us_states
| head 1
e.g. B2
| inputlookup geo_us_states
| head 1
| fields - featureId
It is easy to understand when compared.
If you delete featureId
, it will be drawn only with the coordinates specified in geom
What data are Splunk using?
e.g. C
| inputlookup geo_us_states
| head 1
| fields - featureId
| eval geom=replace(geom,"MultiPolygon","Polygon")
Result: Bad
From this result, type
is only MultiPolygon . The way of specifying coordinates is different.
e.g. D
| makeresults
| eval featureCollection="geo_us_states"
| eval _featureIdField="featureId"
| eval geom="{\"type\":\"MultiPolygon\",\"coordinates\":[[-88.31002807617188,30.233232498168945],[-88.31002807617188,30.233232498168945],[-88.47322845458984,31.893856048583984],[-88.20295715332031,35.008026123046875],[-85.60516357421875,34.984676361083984],[-85.00250244140625,31.000682830810547],[-88.02840423583984,30.221132278442383],[-88.47322845458984,31.893856048583984]]}"
| eval count=1
I modified the coordinate of Alabama . please compare e.g. A
From this result, If the coordinates are correct, display is possible.
e.g. 1:
| makeresults
| eval featureCollection="geo_countries"
| eval count=1
| eval featureId="Afghanistan"
| eval geom="{\"type\":\"MultiPolygon\",\"coordinates\":[[[[71.0498046875,38.40866470336914],[71.65302276611328,36.68701171875],[74.89230346679688,37.23111343383789],[71.22307586669922,36.12539291381836],[69.04010772705078,31.673107147216797],[65.03636932373047,29.5401611328125],[60.84437942504883,29.858179092407227],[61.269676208496094,35.618499755859375],[71.0498046875,38.40866470336914]]]]}"
| table count featureCollection featureId geom
e.g. 2:
| makeresults
| eval featureCollection="geo_countries"
| eval count=1
| eval featureId="Afghanistan"
| eval geom="{\"type\":\"MultiPolygon\",\"coordinates\":[[[[71.0498046875,38.40866470336914],[71.65302276611328,36.68701171875],[74.89230346679688,37.23111343383789],[71.22307586669922,36.12539291381836],[69.04010772705078,31.673107147216797],[65.03636932373047,29.5401611328125],[60.84437942504883,29.858179092407227],[61.269676208496094,35.618499755859375],[71.0498046875,38.40866470336914]]]]}"
| table count featureCollection featureId geom
| geom geo_countries
e.g. 3:
| makeresults
| eval featureCollection="geo_countries"
| eval count=1
| eval featureId="Afghanistan"
| eval geom="{\"type\":\"MultiPolygon\",\"coordinates\":[[[[71.0498046875,38.40866470336914],[71.65302276611328,36.68701171875],[74.89230346679688,37.23111343383789],[71.22307586669922,36.12539291381836],[69.04010772705078,31.673107147216797],[65.03636932373047,29.5401611328125],[60.84437942504883,29.858179092407227],[61.269676208496094,35.618499755859375],[71.0498046875,38.40866470336914]]]]}"
| table count featureCollection featureId geom
| appendpipe
[| geom geo_countries]
| dedup geom
e.g. 4:
| makeresults
| eval featureCollection="geo_countries"
| eval count=1
| eval featureId="Afghanistan"
| eval geom="{\"type\":\"MultiPolygon\",\"coordinates\":[[[[71.0498046875,38.40866470336914],[71.65302276611328,36.68701171875],[74.89230346679688,37.23111343383789],[71.22307586669922,36.12539291381836],[69.04010772705078,31.673107147216797],[65.03636932373047,29.5401611328125],[60.84437942504883,29.858179092407227],[61.269676208496094,35.618499755859375],[71.0498046875,38.40866470336914]]]]}"
| table count featureCollection featureId geom
| appendpipe
[| geom geo_countries]
| reverse
e.g. 5:
| makeresults
| eval featureCollection="geo_countries"
| eval count=1
| eval featureId="Afghanistan"
| eval geom="{\"type\":\"MultiPolygon\",\"coordinates\":[[[[71.0498046875,38.40866470336914],[71.65302276611328,36.68701171875],[74.89230346679688,37.23111343383789],[71.22307586669922,36.12539291381836],[69.04010772705078,31.673107147216797],[65.03636932373047,29.5401611328125],[60.84437942504883,29.858179092407227],[61.269676208496094,35.618499755859375],[71.0498046875,38.40866470336914]]]]}"
| table count featureCollection featureId geom
| appendpipe
[| geom geo_countries]
| stats values(*) as *
e.g. 6:
| makeresults
| eval featureCollection="geo_countries"
| eval count=1
| eval featureId="Afghanistan"
| eval geom="{\"type\":\"MultiPolygon\",\"coordinates\":[[[[71.0498046875,38.40866470336914],[71.65302276611328,36.68701171875],[74.89230346679688,37.23111343383789],[71.22307586669922,36.12539291381836],[69.04010772705078,31.673107147216797],[65.03636932373047,29.5401611328125],[60.84437942504883,29.858179092407227],[61.269676208496094,35.618499755859375],[71.0498046875,38.40866470336914]]]]}"
| table count featureCollection featureId geom
| appendpipe
[| geom geo_countries]
| reverse
| stats values(*) as *
All stats
result is 1 line.
wow , what's happen? Statistics results are same, but Visualization is different.
e.g.6 appears to indicate that your browser has cache.
Wow! For each one of those tests, did you change your visualization away from choropleth and back to choropleth? That was the only way I could work around the caching of the previous result.
No, I didn't.
I'll try later.
I think it's because you're missing a field in your result named featureCollection. Without it, choropleth seems confused about what to do with your result.
I was able to recreate this problem using generated data. Your JSON is missing a set of brackets around the coordinates, but that didn't seem to make any difference in my tests. I tried replacing the quad brackets with the triple that appear in your output -- no difference. The same is true with differences in whitespace between your JSON and the output of geom.
| makeresults count=50
| eval raw=split(",,,",",")
| eval src_ip=mvindex(raw,random()%4)
| iplocation src_ip
| fields - raw
| stats count by Region
| rename Region as featureId
| geom geo_us_states
| eval geom=replace(geom,"\[\[\[\[","[ [ [ ")
| eval geom=replace(geom,"\]\]\]\]","] ] ] ")
| eval geom=replace(geom,"MultiPolygon","Polygon")
`comment("Uncomment the line immediately below to break choropleth")`
`comment("| fields - featureCollection")`
`comment("You will need to change the visualization to something")`
`comment("else and back to choropleth or you will see cache effects")`
IP addresses are for Google DNS, answers.splunk.com, and conf.splunk.com
My guess is if you have a featureCollection field, choropleth will start working as expected.
Hope that helps!
Thank you for your reply.
This works fine. I will try various things.
What if you change your type from "Polygon" to "MultiPolygon"?
I changed it like below, but it was no good.
| eval geom=replace(geom,"Polygon","MultiPolygon")