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Splunk for Citrix XenApp Logoff times


Is there a way in the app to modify the user reports by time to include logoff time? I am looking to find out both logon and logoff times for users.



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Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

There is not a Logoff field available. However, we can write a search to get session duration (active, disconnected, etc.).

Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

Here is an example to get Disconnected session duration. You can modify to get active as well:

index=xenapp sourcetype=xenapp:*:session State="Disconnected" | dedup ServerName SessionId | sort - CurrentTime | convert timeformat="%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S" mktime(CurrentTime) mkTime(DisconnectTime) | eval DisconnectDuration = tostring(CurrentTime - DisconnectTime, "duration") | table LogOnTime UserName ServerName SessionId DisconnectDuration | rename DisconnectDuration AS "Disconnect Duration"

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How do you go about writing the search to get session duration? I need to know when someone logs on then how long they are in a session?



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