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Splunk Hadoop Connect: How to troubleshoot error "failure to login...Unable to connect to hadoop cluster"?

Path Finder


I am using the plunk Hadoop Connect App to add a cluster and connect to a remote hdfs. After filling the form, when I hit save, I get the following error (in splunk/python.log OR splunk/HadoopConnect.log). I have checked the keytab file - it works fine when doing, kinit -k -t principal.keytab and there is no ACL issue - hadoop cmds are working fine locally from box.

2016-08-15 17:51:39,179 ERROR Failed to run hadoop cli, cmd=-ls, options=('hdfs://<namenode>:8020/',), error=ls: failure to login
    2016-08-15 17:51:39,180 ERROR Failed to validate hadoop connection
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/opt/splunk/etc/apps/HadoopConnect/bin/", line 187, in validateConnectionToHadoop
      File "/opt/splunk/etc/apps/HadoopConnect/bin/", line 422, in wait
        raise HcException(HCERR0001, {'cmd':self.fscmd, 'options':','.join(self.fsopts), 'error':self.getStderr()})
    HcException: {"id": "HCERR0001", "options": "hdfs://<namenode>:8020/", "error": "ls: failure to login", "cmd": "-ls", "message": "Failed to run hadoop CLI Job"}
    2016-08-15 17:51:39,181 ERROR Failed to handleEdit
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/opt/splunk/etc/apps/HadoopConnect/bin/", line 96, in handleEdit
        self.handleHdfsCreateOrEdit(cluster, confInfo)
      File "/opt/splunk/etc/apps/HadoopConnect/bin/", line 229, in handleHdfsCreateOrEdit
        hu.validateConnectionToHadoop(self.getSessionKey(), principal, 'hdfs://''/')
      File "/opt/splunk/etc/apps/HadoopConnect/bin/", line 199, in validateConnectionToHadoop
        raise HcException(HCERR0015, {'uri':uri, 'principal':principal, 'error':msg})
    HcException: {"id": "HCERR0015", "uri": "hdfs://<namenode>:8020/", "principal": "", "error": "Failed to run Hadoop CLI job command '-ls' with options 'hdfs://<namenode>:8020/': ls: failure to login.", "message": "Unable to connect to hadoop cluster"}
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1 Solution

Path Finder

We were missing the "Kerberos Principals to Short Names Mapping" field in the configure form (initially left blank). It worked when copied the output of the following command (along with spaces).

$ hdfs getconf -confKey

Splunk reference:

View solution in original post

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Path Finder

We were missing the "Kerberos Principals to Short Names Mapping" field in the configure form (initially left blank). It worked when copied the output of the following command (along with spaces).

$ hdfs getconf -confKey

Splunk reference:

0 Karma


Hi @kausar,

I am getting same error inspite of listing down the "Kerberos Principals to Short Names Mapping" value as well. any thoughts what else could be missing

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