Hi Splunkers
I have a MySQL table with column 'dateTimeOrigination' where each event records its time of occurrence in Linux time (epoch) like this: 1470925285
(standard 10 symbols). In Splunk DB Connect 2, I configure Output Timestamp Format=Epoch Time, Rising Column='dateTimeOrigination'. Metadata sourcetype is JSON.
What I have in output (indexed) is 1470925
(7 symbols), so Splunk converts it to 1/18/1970 and neither Output format works nor Java date can be established.
How this could happen (suddenly milliseconds are expected?) and how can I fix it?
You do this with datetime.xml
Hi, using 2.3.0 improves the UI of this area, so it's worth going there... here's the docs section for doing inputs:
Hi, jcoates.
Thank you for quick reply and suggestion, we will update ASAP.
But I'm afraid there's something misconfigured or that I can configure so Splunk will not cut off last 3 symbols of original timestamp record. The events are indexing well, the problem it has wrong input for time.