I installed the Splunk App for NetApp Data ONTAP on my splunk server. I saw under the NetApp app setting that all the configurations are Valid.
The problem is that I don't see anything from the netapp filer in any dashboard or any raw data.
I also added the ontap index to the default indexes to show as someone wrote this on other question.
How can I see that there is really data coming into splunk and what are the reasons I can't see it on my splunk server?
I strongly recommend to review all steps documented in the manual, Supported versions, ports, roles, permission, system clock synchronization, etc.
If data is indexed, search "index=ontap*" should return events at least. If there are, ontap_admin role is not assigned to admin user.
If data are not indexed, check firewall or network proxy server etc between the search head and DCN.
If this cannot help,
1. File a Support case if you're an Enterprise customer.
2. If you're Community user, post more information such as versions, topology, error/warning message, what kind of troubleshooting you already did and what you could or could not validate