This is spamming the event logs: Cmdlet failed. Cmdlet Search-MailboxAuditLog, parameters {, LogonTypes={Owner, Delegate, Admin}, ShowDetails=True, StartDate=3/29/2013 10:40:46 AM}.
Cmdlet failed. Cmdlet Search-AdminAuditLog, parameters {StartDate=3/25/2013 9:34:54 PM}.
The reputation portion is now working, but and are timing out. Is there a way to edit the list of servers the reputation TA tries to hit?
Another issue is the Non-Owner Mailbox Access Report. I've enabled auditing on a test user per the instructions, however it isn't working (No results found). Anyone ran into this?
Distribution Lists Report is returning no information.
Any tips?
You will see an exclaimation mark if there is no data coming into the relevant client activity, I dont use outlook anywhere so mine is the same whereas the other three are green.
To edit the list of reputation servers go into:
.\TA-SMTP-Reputation\bin\ and make your amends.
Not sure about your question 2 and question 3 I need an answer myself.