The sample Force Direct diagram only renders the tips of the arrows(arrowheads), however not the arrow lines.
The preview graphic shows line and the arrow tips.
How can I render the arrow lines?
![alt text][1] [1]: /storage/temp/24568-force-directed-thumbnail.jpg
![alt text][2] [2]: /storage/temp/24569-force-directed-example.jpg
The thumbnail in the app shows the lines.
The app example doesn't have the lines.
The force direction chart works in the Splunk Web Framework Toolkit. It appears to be an issue with attribute mapping.
I don't know if you solved this already but the problem is that the css file is not loaded in the example. The simplest way is to add require("css!./forcedirected.css");
to forcedirected.js so that it looks like the following:
define(function(require, exports, module) {
var _ = require('underscore');
var d3 = require("../d3/d3");
var SimpleSplunkView = require("splunkjs/mvc/simplesplunkview");
var ForceDirected = SimpleSplunkView.extend({
The force direction chart works in the Splunk Web Framework Toolkit. It appears to be an issue with attribute mapping.
Any workaround until a fix is published to Splunk 6.x Dashboard Examples?
My suggestion would be to use the and open a support ticket.
The version in Web Framework Toolkit worked.