I am trying to use D3 Parallel Coordinates which exists in the 'Splunk 6.x Dashboard Examples’ app. The D3 works fine and most data gets displayed correctly the problem is that some fields don't show on the parallels.
For example I am trying to set 3 lines, one for the IP, one for the BW and one for the number of request but this view is only showing me the BW and the Nb of requests but not the IP addresses.
Has anyone had such an issue ? any idea how i can fix it ?
thank you.
Hi David ,
I beleive I had similar issue .
I've build D3 Parallel Coordinates chars that shows relations in following way :
One of my indexes seems to contain too many sources for Parallel Coordinates presentation.
When I incude this index "source" field is not shown.
When the index is excluded - all the fields are shown.
You may try to reduce IP addresses count.
Hi David ,
I beleive I had similar issue .
I've build D3 Parallel Coordinates chars that shows relations in following way :
One of my indexes seems to contain too many sources for Parallel Coordinates presentation.
When I incude this index "source" field is not shown.
When the index is excluded - all the fields are shown.
You may try to reduce IP addresses count.