when we try to run sparkline command or any timechart command , splunk is unable to present/render the data in single value format.
Instead it pick up the first value or sometimes it give following screen
Moreover when i tried opening the Splunk Dashboards Examples App, it return below?
What version of Splunk are you on
@m_lohar you should be on Splunk 6.4 or higher to see trend and saprkline in Single Value. Ideally all you need is a search query with timechart command. If you are on Splunk 6.3 or lower trend and sparklines will not be available.
Transforming command with sparkline is used to show sparkline in table not in Single Value.
sadly, I'm running splunk 6.2.2
Thanks for the answer!!
@m_lohar, please accept @cmerriman 's response that I have converted to answer. I think she correctly diagnosed your issue 🙂