I'm encountering an issue with SA-ldapsearch (version 1.1.6) where ldapgroup bugs out when group members have accented characters in their distinguishedName.
An ldapsearch for such a user works fine -
| ldapsearch domain=X search="(givenName=Agnès)" attrs="distinguishedName"
dn distinguishedName
but an ldapgroup for a group where this user is a member does not work at all :
| ldapsearch domain=X search="(givenName=Agnès)" attrs="memberOf" | mvexpand memberOf | head 1 | ldapgroup groupdn=memberOf
External search command 'ldapgroup' returned error code 1. Script output = "_raw,_time,host,source,sourcetype,dn,memberOf,member_dn,__mv_member_dn,member_name,__mv_member_name,member_domain,__mv_member_domain,member_type,__mv_member_type,mv_combo,__mv_mv_combo,errors,__mv_errors "
ERROR: java.lang.NullPointerException: null
The log created by the ldapgroup command shows -
2012-12-17 15:01:11.100 +0100 pid=16217 [com.splunk.ldap.ActiveDirectory:getContextForDN#-1] INFO No port parameter in default section of ldap.conf - assuming port 389
2012-12-17 15:01:11.715 +0100 pid=16217 [com.splunk.ldap.ActiveDirectory:fetchEntry#-1] INFO DN CN=Agnès,OU=X,DC=X does not exist or cannot be read (note the poison cache)
2012-12-17 15:01:11.717 +0100 pid=16217 [com.splunk.program.LDAPGroups:main#-1] ERROR Exception java.lang.NullPointerException thrown: null
2012-12-17 15:01:11.718 +0100 pid=16217 [com.splunk.program.LDAPGroups:main#-1] ERROR Stack Trace com.splunk.ldap.GroupMembership.<init> (-1)
2012-12-17 15:01:11.718 +0100 pid=16217 [com.splunk.program.LDAPGroups:main#-1] ERROR Stack Trace com.splunk.ldap.GroupMembership.membership (-1)
2012-12-17 15:01:11.719 +0100 pid=16217 [com.splunk.program.LDAPGroups:main#-1] ERROR Stack Trace com.splunk.program.LDAPGroups.Execute (-1)
2012-12-17 15:01:11.719 +0100 pid=16217 [com.splunk.program.LDAPGroups:main#-1] ERROR Stack Trace com.splunk.ldap.ActiveDirectory.getMembership (-1)
2012-12-17 15:01:11.720 +0100 pid=16217 [com.splunk.program.LDAPGroups:main#-1] ERROR Stack Trace com.splunk.program.LDAPGroups.main (-1)
ldapgroup works fine for me as long as there are no users with "strange" characters in their distinguishedName.
Did anybody experience the same behaviour - more importantly, did anyone get this to work ?
Hi Tycho,
This is a bug, and I will file it as such just as soon as I get to a place where I can file bugs. The next release will have a fix for this.
Hi Tycho,
This is a bug, and I will file it as such just as soon as I get to a place where I can file bugs. The next release will have a fix for this.
Was it addressed in the version 2.0.1 of the app ?
Hi Adrian, any news on when a more general fix will be available ? We're still encountering the problem when trying to use the "managedBy" attribute - which we extensively use in our environment ...
Agreed - in the prior fix, we picked out several fields that we knew were UTF8 and disregarded the base64encoding() requirement. However, that isn't good enough and we know it.
We are also experiencing this issue at a customer for usernames that contain accented characters. This seems to be the code that is doing it:
for (n = 0; n < paramAttribute.size(); n++)
if (paramAttribute.needsBase64Encoding())
arrayOfString[n] = "
arrayOfString[n] = paramAttribute.getValues()[n];
It seems like the decision to elide the information with "
We have the updated bug. It will be looked at in one of our sprints.
There still is a somewhat random problem with string attributes in version 1.1.9 resulting in fields containing
Hi - The current version (SA-ldapsearch 1.1.9) solved the issue for me !