Hi there. Thanks for this app!
I'm experiencing the following error when passing high record volume to geodistance command (in both Splunk Enterprise and Splunk Cloud):
ERROR ChunkedExternProcessor - Failure writing result chunk, buffer full. External process possibly failed to read its stdin.
According to another post on answers.splunk.com, it looks like someone (kulick?) might have a solution to this issue:
He references a fix in git hub: "The solution is embodied in the new 'echo' custom command implemented in this change...
There is additional reporting of this issue here:
Would it be possible to investigate this for a possible fix?
Yes that'll work nicely. I'll try incorporate it into the app next week.
Excellent. Any update?
Hey there. Just checking in. Is this still in the works?
Hi @seunomosowon . I see in Splunkbase that this app was updated to v1.2.0 on 12/28/2020.
I'm not seeing any indication in the Details page that this "buffer full" issue was addressed.
Any chance there's a fix for this on the way?