This is for the author of Python Cron Iteration for Splunk, I've opened an issue on github and created this modified version:
I would like to send a merge request in on gitlab but I do not have permissions to open on your repository.
Would it be possible to integrate this new feature into the app?
The issue is open on but I've received no response so posting on answers in case you see it here...
Thanks for contacting me here. I haven't gotten any notification from gitlab and will need to look at that closer. At any rate, I will take care of this as soon as possible!
Thanks for contacting me here. I haven't gotten any notification from gitlab and will need to look at that closer. At any rate, I will take care of this as soon as possible!
Latest version 1.0.2 has been submitted to Splunkbase with this feature added. It was not added specifically as you requested it but it should meet your needs. Let me know if it does not!