I calling a remote http endpoint that returns xml in the form of
<AdaptersStatus xmlns="http://xx.xx/xxxx/services/monitoring">
<DisplayName>Route monitor :: audit-trail-Route</DisplayName>
<DisplayName>Route monitor :: bam-route</DisplayName>
I'm actually only interested in indexing the first
I figured out that if I do = | rex "(?i)<.*?>(?P
The REST API Modular Input is generic ie: it can be used against any HTTP REST endpoint. So it has the ability to plugin custom response handlers for any custom pre-processing or formatting of your response data.
To do this you add a custom response handler class to etc/apps/rest_ta/bin/responsehandlers.py and in the stanza setup declare that this handler should be applied.
So you could write a handler to just strip out and index the elements you are interested in.
Very quick rough code :
class MyCustomResponseHandler:
def __init__(self,**args):
def __call__(self, response_object,raw_response_output,response_type,req_args,endpoint):
from xml.dom import minidom
dom = minidom.parseString(raw_response_output)
status = dom.getElementsByTagName('Status')
timestamp = dom.getElementsByTagName('Timestamp')
processed_response_output = 'status='+status[0].firstChild.nodeValue+' timestamp='+timestamp[0].firstChild.nodeValue
The REST API Modular Input is generic ie: it can be used against any HTTP REST endpoint. So it has the ability to plugin custom response handlers for any custom pre-processing or formatting of your response data.
To do this you add a custom response handler class to etc/apps/rest_ta/bin/responsehandlers.py and in the stanza setup declare that this handler should be applied.
So you could write a handler to just strip out and index the elements you are interested in.
Very quick rough code :
class MyCustomResponseHandler:
def __init__(self,**args):
def __call__(self, response_object,raw_response_output,response_type,req_args,endpoint):
from xml.dom import minidom
dom = minidom.parseString(raw_response_output)
status = dom.getElementsByTagName('Status')
timestamp = dom.getElementsByTagName('Timestamp')
processed_response_output = 'status='+status[0].firstChild.nodeValue+' timestamp='+timestamp[0].firstChild.nodeValue
Cool, not bad for untested code 🙂
whoa - works like a charm 🙂
Thanks Damien
I'll give your suggestions a try.