Is it possible to add more Icons to the Network Diagram Viz Application in Splunk?
I would like to add an Icon to show router in the mapping diagrams but can't find "router" in the type options.
Hi @pjrwlazlo,
In the next update I'll add a bunch more icons.
The Viz uses the Font Awesome library, but I need to manually add each icon to the viz due to the way it currently works. Unfortunately, that means I can't just let people specify the Font Awesome class directly in the search results.
I don' think there's a "router" specific icon yet, but you could possibly use "code-branch" instead?
@pjrwlazlo Network Diagram Viz uses Font Awesome, so you can use the icons from free library. Refer to the list:
However, some of icons from latest release may not be available. Can you use wifi
as icon as there is no other close match for router.
Hi @pjrwlazlo,
In the next update I'll add a bunch more icons.
The Viz uses the Font Awesome library, but I need to manually add each icon to the viz due to the way it currently works. Unfortunately, that means I can't just let people specify the Font Awesome class directly in the search results.
I don' think there's a "router" specific icon yet, but you could possibly use "code-branch" instead?
Howdy @danspav,
Thanks for the quick response! Good to know, I actually have been using the "code-branch" to show routers.