According to this article, Basic Authentication Deprecation MS is moving to modern authentication in October of 2022. As of now, the only authentication method allowed in the app is basic.
I see here that they will update the app. Does anyone know an ETA for that?
What I'm driving at is, I'd like to see the ability to switch between auth methods before basic auth gets deprecated by MS.
Hello @jconger ,
Could you please help me to find as to where is the checkpoint containing the timestamp for the last log being pulled stored? We ran into an issue with the credentials, took a week to get them resolved and now it won't pull the logs older than 8 days, so we need to change the date of the last log being pulled to something new.
Thank you,
Tried changing the start_date_time and restarted Splunk, didn't help. It still tries to pull the data from 8 days ago.
The checkpoint is kept in the KV store. You can update the value using a combination of the inputlookup command and the outputlookup command. But, honestly, it is easier to clone the existing input with a different name because the checkpoint keys off the input name.
I am receiving the following error and, I'm wondering why I'm getting it.
08-31-2022 13:24:08.798 +0000 ERROR ExecProcessor [2577 ExecProcessor] - message from "/opt/splunk/bin/python3.7 /opt/splunk/etc/apps/TA-MS_O365_Reporting/bin/" /opt/splunk/lib/python3.7/site-packages/requests/ RequestsDependencyWarning: urllib3 (1.26.6) or chardet (3.0.4) doesn't match a supported version!
Version 2.x is out and supports modern authentication (OAuth).
When attempting to configure the app, I receive the following error message:
"Something went wrong! Configuration page failed to load, the server reported internal errors which may indicate you do not have access to this page. Error: Request failed with status code 500
Was this a clean install or upgrade?
Completely removed and reinstalled; getting same error message.
I have the same issue. Any solution here? Seems that something is missing in the app for on Prem
We are waiting on an update to the Microsoft API that the add-on uses. Once that is released from Microsoft, we will update the add-on to use modern authentication.
It's a "not supported" add-on, so not sure if anyone would have an ETA for this. @jconger , @abalogh_splunk might be able to shed more light on it as they contributed immensely to the development of it.
Is there any ETA ?