I'm configuring Splunk DB Connect, after i specify the Java Home(JRE) Path i have a field called as "JVM Commandline options" what I'm i supposed to enter in this text-box.
Any Help is Appreciated,
Nothing's needed in there.
Just put the java_home path that's enough. This is your jave home.
C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_07
hi ,
I'm configuring Splunk DB Connect, after i specify the Java Home(JRE) Path and JVM Option I need to specify .Can you help I want to configure oracle database .What shall I need to specify in JVM option.
Any Help is Appreciated,
Thanks in advance .
You're responding to a three-year-old question that already has an accepted answer. Please post a new question.
Nothing's needed in there.
Just put the java_home path that's enough. This is your jave home.
C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_07
the splunk service running under the account which has full access to all the splunk directory.
what do you mean by directory privileges..?
Try to follow my other answer.Make sure your splunk is running with all directory privileges.
After i clicked the save Button i got this error
Encountered the following error while trying to update: In handler 'localapps': Error while posting to url=/servicesNS/nobody/dbx/dbx/install/java
I have even downloaded the ojdbc6.jar Driver for oracle.And pasted it in C:\Program Files\Splunk\etc\apps\dbx\bin\lib
For Java Home i have entered the path as C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_07\bin
what shall I need to specify in JVM option ,if I want splunk DBconnect to connect with oracle database .??