We are trying to use the JIRA app fro Splunk after we saw the tool utilization at Splunk Conference Conf13. We have installed the Apps as per documentation, and we get an error message when we search in Splunk.
Apps: http://apps.splunk.com/app/1438/
Error Message: command="jira", Invalid expression
search: | jira "project = COR"
default_project = COR
tempMax = 1000
keys = link,project,key,summary,type,priority,status,resolution,assignee,reporter,created,updated,resolved,fixVersion,components
time_keys =
hostname = xxxxx-test.tool.x.xxxx.com (part of FQDN masked)
username = splunk
password = xxxxxxx (password masked)
There were some new config.ini fields added in issue #13. Please try adding these defaults to your config.ini:
jira_protocol = https
jira_port = 443
soap_protocol = https
soap_port = 8080
Wonderful! I'm so happy it's working. Please let me know if you run into any other issues, or have any ideas for new features.
Many Thanks for your help.
I had moved the old jira directory as jira.OLD (sysadmin paranoid factor) and this may be have been causing the issues, and after I removed that directory, now I am able to run basic JQL queries on JIRA server
Did you restart splunk after editing config.ini. I was able to reproduce, and also confirm that a restart is required.
Even after adding the new variables in config.ini I get the same error:
Error: command="jira", No option 'jira_protocol' in section: 'jira'
hostname = intake-test.tool.s.nokia.com
username = splunk
password = xxxxxxxxx
jira_protocol = https
jira_port = 443
soap_protocol = https
soap_port = 8080
I just pushed a fix to github. Please pull, or apply these changes:
I pulled the changes and now get a different error:
command="jira", No option 'jira_protocol' in section: 'jira'
I followed the advice per "enthusiast" and added code in jira.py
if not time_keys: <-- Added line
for k in time_keys:
v = elem.xpath(k)
logger.info(k) <-- Added line
if len(v) == 1:
row[k] = v[0].get("seconds")
now I get a different error message on the search '| jira "project = COR"
External search command 'jira' returned error code 1
This sounds like an issue with time_keys being empty that was reported in https://github.com/firebus/splunk-jira/issues/13 which I haven't had a chance to verify yet.
You can try the workaround suggested by enthusiast near the end of the thread. I will verify, open a new issue, and fix ASAP.
I followed the advice per "enthusiast" and added code in jira.py
if not time_keys: <-- Added line
for k in time_keys:
v = elem.xpath(k)
logger.info(k) <-- Added line
if len(v) == 1:
row[k] = v[0].get("seconds")
now I get a different error message on the search '| jira "project = COR"
External search command 'jira' returned error code 1