Hello !
My customer has recently made the choice to contract with Dynatrace APM. I am very satisfied with that decision as Dynatrace provides a Splunk application that easily makes the link between our Splunk and the APM solution.
Thanks for this! I am sure we will be able to do great things with Dynatrace data and Splunk power 🙂
I have a few questions / remarks:
You mentioned in the last release notes "More changes coming soon!!!", would you be kind to provide more information about what we could expect, and when ?
In any case, some remarks about the current application:
We hope to see a great new app soon 🙂
Thank you !
The Dynatrace Splunk application does not currently support distributed deployments due to the inclusion of Flume which is necessary to deserialize the data coming out of Dynatrace.
The app should definitely have an icon as that is what is being parsed to create the icon here on Splunkbase.
What will likely be coming first is replacement for the Google Maps plugin but I am not happy with the functionality of the native Splunk mapping visualizations. This change will also include replacements for the advanced XML and support for Splunk 6.3+
A further subsequent release will likely migrate Flume out of the Splunk app to a standalone installer sourced outside of Splunkbase. By moving that out of the app to a standalone installer should allow the app to run on distributed Splunk environments.
Hope this helps and if you have additional feedback you can email me at michael.villiger@dynatrace.com
The Dynatrace Splunk application does not currently support distributed deployments due to the inclusion of Flume which is necessary to deserialize the data coming out of Dynatrace.
The app should definitely have an icon as that is what is being parsed to create the icon here on Splunkbase.
What will likely be coming first is replacement for the Google Maps plugin but I am not happy with the functionality of the native Splunk mapping visualizations. This change will also include replacements for the advanced XML and support for Splunk 6.3+
A further subsequent release will likely migrate Flume out of the Splunk app to a standalone installer sourced outside of Splunkbase. By moving that out of the app to a standalone installer should allow the app to run on distributed Splunk environments.
Hope this helps and if you have additional feedback you can email me at michael.villiger@dynatrace.com
Thank you very much for your answer. (sorry for my late reply, i did not received Splunk base notification).
Just for your information, we have already implemented the App in a proof of concept Dynatrace / Splunk deployment, we are running the flume server on one of our heavy forwarder, Dynatrace data is correctly collecting data and the app is running fine.
The Splunk infrastructure is distributed (indexer cluster, search head cluster, deployment server), what i have done is creating a TA-addon of your app by removing useless objects (views, appserver, datamodel and so on) and the TA is deployed automatically by the Splunk deployment server to the heavy forwarder.
By the way, this works with no trouble.
So i guess you could easily do the same and create a separated package that you could distribute as a TA-addon in Splunk base, or provided in a tgz archive in your core app.
I will monitor with care your upcoming release, and will keep in touch with you with pleasure.
Feel free to contact me if you have any question. (guilhem.marchand@gmail.com)