Kind of answer to my question: On Windows the App also runs (partially?) as follows: Install latest R-Studio, there Tools > Install Packages: OpenCPU, then run the R command: opencpu::opencpu$start(). It should give an output like
Creating new config file: C:/Users/username/Documents/.opencpu.conf
OpenCPU started.
[httpuv] http://localhost:4711/ocpu
In the R-Analytics App specify only the base URL, here
Now the example
works including R-graphics.
So far the Demo views did not display anything. Any ideas for troubleshooting here?
Here at least formally and partially my self answered question: How to install R Analytics on Windows:
Thanks for trying this on Windows! Your setup seems fine and I don't really see why the demo is not working. Could you try to open the console of your browser to see if there are any errors? (F12 on chrome and firefox, then to the console tab)
here is what I saw: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
There was a png link to: http://localhost:8000/de-DE/app/ita_r/400,0,there%20is%20no%20package%20called%20'corrplot'In%20call...