I am having trouble converting additional custom MIBs into Python Modules.
I have searched and found libsmi2pysnmp, smidump are linux commands. And i have installed build-pysnmp-mib module in python but i do not know how to call it by command "build-pysnmp-mib -o SOME-CUSTOM-MIB.py SOME-CUSTOM-MIB.mib" as it is not an executable. Please guide on how to make use of Cisco .my files.
FYI IF-MIB is included in the default package .egg file, you shouldn't need to compile anything to use it, just specify that MIB name in the example zoh posted.
If you don't have Linux , try this online utility : http://www.ibr.cs.tu-bs.de/projects/libsmi/tools/
Can you walk through for converting "IF-MIB" as mentioned in following question
I am getting error each time I convert to Python dictonary representation.
I have to convert a custom mib file into pysnmp format.
I try to use the tool provided by this link: http://www.ibr.cs.tu-bs.de/projects/libsmi/tools/
But I don't know which option I should select under "What is the target format to be generated".
I tried with "python -python dictionary representation, for developers programming in python"
But the file generated seems not work for me.
Please let me know which one I should select if I do 'Convert a MIB to another format (smidump)'?
i have same problem. how to fix it?