SplunkAppForNetAppONTAP - Deploy this app to $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps on your SEARCH HEAD only.
Can someone please explain what is the SEARCH HEAD?
And how do we download, Splunk_TA_ONTAP7, and Splunk_SA_ONTAP_KB
I am quite new to Netapp
A Splunk setup can be distributed so that your search heads (the GUI that you run your searches through) and the indexers (what crunches the data) can be separated out. It can also be an all-in-one solution that does both.
The Splunk App for NetApp ONTAP has 2 main components:
You need both of these to make the application work correctly.
I believe the add-ons come as part of the package - check the /opt/splunk/etc/apps directory and see what's in there?
Hi, Thanks for the Info Kate.
I have now installed SplunkApp
but where can i download the SPlunk Addons?
and how do I install them?
appreciate hour help..