Hi, all,
I am looking for a way to chart the the average cpu and memory per process for all the hosts in two indexes?
The scenario that I have been working on is that I have a bunch of machines running roughly 4 or 5 java applications per host.... and I am looking for a way to make a time series chart with the average cpu and memory used by each java processes in a dashboard...
host 1
host 2
I tried to get the top processes via hosts, via this code
| mstats max("NIX.ps_metric.pctCPU") AS CPU,max("NIX.ps_metric.pctMEM") AS MEM WHERE ("index"="first_index" OR "index"="second_index") AND "host"="test_host" span=5m BY host ARGS COMMAND
| top limit=20 COMMAND BY CPU MEM host
| chart values(CPU) as CPU, values(MEM) as MEM over COMMAND BY host
but all i get is the top processes like by run command and not the actual processes, they seem to be grouped under the java process....
crond cpu, memory
bash cpu, memory
Is there a way to split the monitoring to get something useable? Ideally, I would like to alert when a particular site is being over worked, like CPU > 85%...