Given two vectors w,v where a heatmap matrix element, the correlation coefficient corr(w,v) is calculated: How can I drilldown by clicking on the heatmap to visualize the values of w and v.
Hi @Graether - I wrote the heatmap app. There is no drill down functionality, just a mouse over information.
In this example, you'll see a correlation matrix, where hovering over the cell will show the correlation value:
However, if you are willing to add some javascript to your dashboard, this is accomplishable with the splunkjs mvc.
First, add an id to the dashboard viz element...
<viz type="heatmap_app.heatmap" id='myheatmap'>
After that, add a new javascript file to $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/< whatever app you are in>/appserver/static
, called setHeatmapTokens.js
], function($, mvc) {
// Setup tokens
var submittedTokens = mvc.Components.get("submitted");
var defaultTokens = mvc.Components.get("default");
// Get the div container
var div = $('#myheatmap')
function setToken(name, value) {
submittedTokens.set(name, value);
defaultTokens.set(name, value);
// Add listener
div.on('plotly_click', function (e, data) {
var point = data.points[0]
setToken('heatmap_x', point.x)
setToken('heatmap_y', point.y)
setToken('heatmap_z', point.z)
Make sure to reference the javascript file in the dashboard
<dashboard script="setHeatmapTokens.js">
Lastly, restart splunk web or go to the _bump endpoint to load the new javascript file:
http://<your splunk url & port>/en-US/_bump
After that, you should be able to use the heatmap_x
, heatmap_y
, and heatmap_z
tokens in the dashboard.
@graether, can you check out Punchcard Custom Visualization
on Splunkbase?
Hi @Graether - I wrote the heatmap app. There is no drill down functionality, just a mouse over information.
In this example, you'll see a correlation matrix, where hovering over the cell will show the correlation value:
However, if you are willing to add some javascript to your dashboard, this is accomplishable with the splunkjs mvc.
First, add an id to the dashboard viz element...
<viz type="heatmap_app.heatmap" id='myheatmap'>
After that, add a new javascript file to $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/< whatever app you are in>/appserver/static
, called setHeatmapTokens.js
], function($, mvc) {
// Setup tokens
var submittedTokens = mvc.Components.get("submitted");
var defaultTokens = mvc.Components.get("default");
// Get the div container
var div = $('#myheatmap')
function setToken(name, value) {
submittedTokens.set(name, value);
defaultTokens.set(name, value);
// Add listener
div.on('plotly_click', function (e, data) {
var point = data.points[0]
setToken('heatmap_x', point.x)
setToken('heatmap_y', point.y)
setToken('heatmap_z', point.z)
Make sure to reference the javascript file in the dashboard
<dashboard script="setHeatmapTokens.js">
Lastly, restart splunk web or go to the _bump endpoint to load the new javascript file:
http://<your splunk url & port>/en-US/_bump
After that, you should be able to use the heatmap_x
, heatmap_y
, and heatmap_z
tokens in the dashboard.
Hi @aljohnson_splunk
Is this heatmap available on Splunk version 7.1?
If not, are you planning on releasing it for new versions?
Hi @aljohnson_splunk,
thanks for the token js provided - that works almost perfect for me. I'm just having some issues when i want to integrate with other scripts (e.g. for buttons to reset the token, from dashboard examples app) and i have problems that my searches are not getting updated when the token changes (if i have a fieldset defined, i have the function "search on change").
I'm looking for a solution to both: reseting the the token and automatic search on change.
Many thanks in advance!
BR Matthias
Haha - It seems there are an number of you! I'm glad to hear its moving in the right direction. I think I forgot to add the "submitted" model - which will sort of trigger the token to be used in other components (like the ones you mention). I updated the code to update both "default" and "submitted".
I tested this in a dashboard where I have an input on the top for "heatmap_x" that says search when changed, and put that token into a different panel.
Then, I click on the heatmap, and the token is updated, and the search is re-executed. Please let me know if this works for you 🙂
Hello @aljohnson_splunk,
Thanks a lot for your Heatmap app, which I am using very often. I am also missing the drilldown function a lot. Is there a possibility to set on mouse click the x, y, z values (shown in the hover-baloon-text) as tokens? E.g. by the tokens.set function from the Splunk web framework in the JS-Code of your App. By setting a three token for the X,Y,Z coordinates a drilldown can be realized and the Heatmap App become more user-friendly particular for visual analytics tasks.
Can you give me a hint, where to add the token setting in your code?
Best regards, Sebastian
Hi @sschmerl - I updated my answer with a way to capture the click data. It isn't too hard. Please let me know if you have issues.
Hi Sschmerl,
I'm glad to hear you are using it often. I will look into adding the drilldown functionality and ping you here when / or if I can add it.
To add the token setting, I'll need to add a click event listener and then set the drilldown options.
See for an example