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Has anyone tried to configure Splunk DB Connect v3 to pull data from McAfee ePO?


Has anyone tried to configure DB Connect v3 to pull data from McAfee ePO v5.3.2? I leveraged the Template for McAfee:epo5 and modified to use the proper tables. Along with configuring Rising Column to use "AutoID", Checkpoint Value of 10000, and the Column of timestamp.

The query continues to hang at 80%.

The DB isn't that large, but I've tested adding WHERE [EPOEvents].[ReceivedUTC] > DATEADD(day, -1, GETDATE() ).

Same result. Thoughts?

Here is the Query I'm using.

[EPOEvents].[ReceivedUTC] as [timestamp],
[EPOEvents].[ThreatName] as [signature],
[EPOEvents].[ThreatType] as [threat_type],
[EPOEvents].[ThreatEventID] as [signature_id],
[EPOEvents].[ThreatCategory] as [category],
[EPOEvents].[ThreatSeverity] as [severity_id],
[EPOEventFilterDesc].[Name] as [event_description],
[EPOEvents].[DetectedUTC] as [detected_timestamp],
[EPOEvents].[TargetFileName] as [file_name],
[EPOEvents].[AnalyzerDetectionMethod] as [detection_method],
[EPOEvents].[ThreatActionTaken] as [vendor_action],
CAST([EPOEvents].[ThreatHandled] as int) as [threat_handled],
[EPOEvents].[TargetUserName] as [logon_user],
[EPOComputerProperties].[UserName] as [user],
[EPOComputerProperties].[DomainName] as [dest_nt_domain],
[EPOEvents].[TargetHostName] as [dest_dns],
[EPOEvents].[TargetHostName] as [dest_nt_host],
[EPOComputerProperties].[IPHostName] as [fqdn],
[dest_ip] = ( convert(varchar(3),convert(tinyint,substring(convert(varbinary(4),convert(bigint,([EPOComputerProperties].[IPV4x] + 2147483648))),1,1)))+'.'+convert(varchar(3),convert(tinyint,substring(convert(varbinary(4),convert(bigint,([EPOComputerProperties].[IPV4x] + 2147483648))),2,1)))+'.'+convert(varchar(3),convert(tinyint,substring(convert(varbinary(4),convert(bigint,([EPOComputerProperties].[IPV4x] + 2147483648))),3,1)))+'.'+convert(varchar(3),convert(tinyint,substring(convert(varbinary(4),convert(bigint,([EPOComputerProperties].[IPV4x] + 2147483648))),4,1))) ),
[EPOComputerProperties].[SubnetMask] as [dest_netmask],
[EPOComputerProperties].[NetAddress] as [dest_mac],
[EPOComputerProperties].[OSType] as [os],
[EPOComputerProperties].[OSServicePackVer] as [sp],
[EPOComputerProperties].[OSVersion] as [os_version],
[EPOComputerProperties].[OSBuildNum] as [os_build],
[EPOComputerProperties].[TimeZone] as [timezone],

[EPOEvents].[SourceHostName] as [src_dns],
[src_ip] = ( convert(varchar(3),convert(tinyint,substring(convert(varbinary(4),convert(bigint,([EPOEvents].[SourceIPV4] + 2147483648))),1,1)))+'.'+convert(varchar(3),convert(tinyint,substring(convert(varbinary(4),convert(bigint,([EPOEvents].[SourceIPV4] + 2147483648))),2,1)))+'.'+convert(varchar(3),convert(tinyint,substring(convert(varbinary(4),convert(bigint,([EPOEvents].[SourceIPV4] + 2147483648))),3,1)))+'.'+convert(varchar(3),convert(tinyint,substring(convert(varbinary(4),convert(bigint,([EPOEvents].[SourceIPV4] + 2147483648))),4,1))) ),
[EPOEvents].[SourceMAC] as [src_mac],
[EPOEvents].[SourceProcessName] as [process],
[EPOEvents].[SourceURL] as [url],
[EPOEvents].[SourceUserName] as [source_logon_user],
[EPOComputerProperties].[IsPortable] as [is_laptop],
[EPOEvents].[AnalyzerName] as [product],
[EPOEvents].[AnalyzerVersion] as [product_version],
[EPOEvents].[AnalyzerEngineVersion] as [engine_version],
[EPOEvents].[AnalyzerDATVersion] as [dat_version],
[EPOProdPropsView_THREATPREVENTION].[verDAT32Major] as [vse_dat_version],
[EPOProdPropsView_THREATPREVENTION].[verEngine32Major] as [vse_engine64_version],
[EPOProdPropsView_THREATPREVENTION].[verEngine32Minor] as [vse_engine_version],
[EPOProdPropsView_THREATPREVENTION].[productversion] as [vse_product_version]
FROM [EPOEvents]
LEFT JOIN [EPOLeafNode] ON [EPOEvents].[AgentGUID] = [EPOLeafNode].[AgentGUID]
LEFT JOIN [EPOComputerProperties] ON [EPOLeafNode].[AutoID] = [EPOComputerProperties].[ParentID]
LEFT JOIN [EPOEventFilterDesc] ON [EPOEvents].[ThreatEventID] = [EPOEventFilterDesc].[EventId]
AND ([EPOEventFilterDesc].[Language]='0409')
WHERE [EPOEvents].[AutoID] > ?

1 Solution

Path Finder

the reason it is stuck on 80% is that its timing out. I had the same issue.

it's basically how many rows are in the database, setting the value to '10000' for instance will return all rows > 10000

Now I'm sure there is a better way to determine how many rows exist. But I simply increased it to 100000000 and received "no results found" I then worked backwards and it seems where I need to be was 89750000 which returned the last 2 days.

may also wish to consider increasing the timeout if you are looking to pull more than the last weeks worth of events.

View solution in original post


Greetings all.

We bumped into this problem too, which I would define as this:

Problem definition

If your volume of events is large, and you don't constrain your query somehow, bumps in volume cause you to get behind, which increases your query time, ensuring that you will never get logs again without manual intervention.

Limitations of the ReceivedUTC constraint

The ReceivedUTC approach has a huge drawback, in that if you ever miss logs for a day, you will never get them indexed unless you notice and either fiddle your input or do one-time pulls.

Our requirements for a solution

  • The solution we were looking for needed to be able to query in constant time, because if we got behind for whatever reason (DB connectivity problem, for example), we needed it to catch up without query modification or manual intervention.Our solution then, needed to constrain the query based not on datetime, but on a fixed range of AutoID that we knew the general query time for.
    • The solution always needed to get the oldest records, so that if there was an interuption, it would catch up from where it left off (which is the whole point of a rising column, right?).


  • Determine the number of AutoIDs that, even if non-sparse (i.e., most AutoIDs return a record), a query can return within the timeout. We landed on 2 million, for which a full query took no more than 200 seconds to return.
  • Use a variable for checkpoint (we chose @checkpoint), so that we can use it more than once in the query to constrain the query to be greater than the checkpoint value and less than (checkpoint plus the number we just figured out).
  • Choose comfortable cushions, so that even if the DB is crazy-loaded, it will probably return within your timeout. We chose double, 400 secs, for our query timeout and 600 for the run interval
  • Choose high-volume high-performance settings for max rows and fetch size, so that if you do get behind, you catch up stably and quickly.

Here's what we use, and it works like a champ. Hell, two champions.

db_inputs.conf (the important settings)

interval = 600
max_rows = 1000000
mode = rising
fetch_size = 1000

query_timeout = 400


    DECLARE @checkpoint bigint = ? 
    [EPOEvents].[ReceivedUTC] as [timestamp], 
    [EPOEvents].[ThreatName] as [signature], 
    [EPOEvents].[ThreatType] as [threat_type], 
    [EPOEvents].[ThreatEventID] as [signature_id], 
    [EPOEvents].[ThreatCategory] as [category], 
    [EPOEvents].[ThreatSeverity] as [severity_id], 
    [EPOEventFilterDesc].[Name] as [event_description], 
    [EPOEvents].[DetectedUTC] as [detected_timestamp], 
    [EPOEvents].[TargetFileName] as [file_name], 
    [EPOEvents].[AnalyzerDetectionMethod] as [detection_method], 
    [EPOEvents].[ThreatActionTaken] as [vendor_action], 
    CAST([EPOEvents].[ThreatHandled] as int) as [threat_handled], 
    [EPOEvents].[TargetUserName] as [logon_user], 
    [EPOComputerProperties].[UserName] as [user], 
    [EPOComputerProperties].[DomainName] as [dest_nt_domain], 
    [EPOEvents].[TargetHostName] as [dest_dns], 
    [EPOEvents].[TargetHostName] as [dest_nt_host], 
    [EPOComputerProperties].[IPHostName] as [fqdn], 
    [dest_ip] = ( convert(varchar(3),convert(tinyint,substring(convert(varbinary(4),convert(bigint,([EPOComputerProperties].[IPV4x] + 2147483648))),1,1)))+'.'+convert(varchar(3),convert(tinyint,substring(convert(varbinary(4),convert(bigint,([EPOComputerProperties].[IPV4x] + 2147483648))),2,1)))+'.'+convert(varchar(3),convert(tinyint,substring(convert(varbinary(4),convert(bigint,([EPOComputerProperties].[IPV4x] + 2147483648))),3,1)))+'.'+convert(varchar(3),convert(tinyint,substring(convert(varbinary(4),convert(bigint,([EPOComputerProperties].[IPV4x] + 2147483648))),4,1))) ), 
    [EPOComputerProperties].[SubnetMask] as [dest_netmask], 
    [EPOComputerProperties].[NetAddress] as [dest_mac], 
    [EPOComputerProperties].[OSType] as [os], 
    [EPOComputerProperties].[OSServicePackVer] as [sp], 
    [EPOComputerProperties].[OSVersion] as [os_version], 
    [EPOComputerProperties].[OSBuildNum] as [os_build], 
    [EPOComputerProperties].[TimeZone] as [timezone], 
    [EPOEvents].[SourceHostName] as [src_dns], 
    [src_ip] = ( convert(varchar(3),convert(tinyint,substring(convert(varbinary(4),convert(bigint,([EPOEvents].[SourceIPV4] + 2147483648))),1,1)))+'.'+convert(varchar(3),convert(tinyint,substring(convert(varbinary(4),convert(bigint,([EPOEvents].[SourceIPV4] + 2147483648))),2,1)))+'.'+convert(varchar(3),convert(tinyint,substring(convert(varbinary(4),convert(bigint,([EPOEvents].[SourceIPV4] + 2147483648))),3,1)))+'.'+convert(varchar(3),convert(tinyint,substring(convert(varbinary(4),convert(bigint,([EPOEvents].[SourceIPV4] + 2147483648))),4,1))) ), 
    [EPOEvents].[SourceMAC] as [src_mac], 
    [EPOEvents].[SourceProcessName] as [process], 
    [EPOEvents].[SourceURL] as [url], 
    [EPOEvents].[SourceUserName] as [source_logon_user], 
    [EPOComputerProperties].[IsPortable] as [is_laptop], 
    [EPOEvents].[AnalyzerName] as [product], 
    [EPOEvents].[AnalyzerVersion] as [product_version], 
    [EPOEvents].[AnalyzerEngineVersion] as [engine_version], 
    [EPOEvents].[AnalyzerDATVersion] as [dat_version], 
    [EPOProdPropsView_VIRUSCAN].[datver] as [vse_dat_version], 
    [EPOProdPropsView_VIRUSCAN].[enginever64] as [vse_engine64_version], 
    [EPOProdPropsView_VIRUSCAN].[enginever] as [vse_engine_version], 
    [EPOProdPropsView_VIRUSCAN].[hotfix] as [vse_hotfix], 
    [EPOProdPropsView_VIRUSCAN].[productversion] as [vse_product_version], 
    [EPOProdPropsView_VIRUSCAN].[servicepack] as [vse_sp] 

FROM [EPOEvents]
LEFT JOIN [EPOLeafNode] ON [EPOEvents].[AgentGUID] = [EPOLeafNode].[AgentGUID]
LEFT JOIN [EPOProdPropsView_VIRUSCAN] ON [EPOLeafNode].[AutoID] = [EPOProdPropsView_VIRUSCAN].[LeafNodeID]
LEFT JOIN [EPOComputerProperties] ON [EPOLeafNode].[AutoID] = [EPOComputerProperties].[ParentID]
LEFT JOIN [EPOEventFilterDesc] ON [EPOEvents].[ThreatEventID] = [EPOEventFilterDesc].[EventId]
AND ([EPOEventFilterDesc].[Language]='0409')
WHERE [EPOEvents].[AutoID] > @checkpoint and [EPOEvents].[AutoID] >274560304 and [EPOEvents].[AutoID] < (@checkpoint + 2000000)

0 Karma

Path Finder

the reason it is stuck on 80% is that its timing out. I had the same issue.

it's basically how many rows are in the database, setting the value to '10000' for instance will return all rows > 10000

Now I'm sure there is a better way to determine how many rows exist. But I simply increased it to 100000000 and received "no results found" I then worked backwards and it seems where I need to be was 89750000 which returned the last 2 days.

may also wish to consider increasing the timeout if you are looking to pull more than the last weeks worth of events.


This actually was on track.

I ran select count(*) from EPOEvents and applied the returned number as the Checkpoint Value.

The query ran successfully and pulled the rows.

0 Karma

Path Finder

I actually did the same thing and increased the timeout to like 90 seconds and also decreased the number of rows being pulled back. This worked really quickly.

Playing with the mod inputs--aka remove and restore did not help as an FYI but that may have just been my scenario.

0 Karma
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