I kept getting this error from the storage/passwords endpoint when doing a POST with web framwork toolkit to create new creds entry into app.conf:
HTTP 400 Bad Request --
In handler 'passwords': could not parse name. Use format: <username> OR <realm>:<username>
This is the sample code that I have (adapted from http://dev.splunk.com/view/SP-CAAAETW#setupform)
from splunkdj.setup import forms
class UserSetupForm(forms.Form):
name = forms.CharField(
label="Username", endpoint="storage/passwords",
entity="credential", field="name", max_length=100)
password = forms.CharField(
label="Password", endpoint="storage/passwords",
entity="credential", field="password", max_length=100)
I got this error when I used entity="*"
HTTP 404 Not Found --
In handler 'passwords': Could not find object id=:*:
I got this error when I used entity="_new"
IllegalOperationException : Cannot update the name of an Entity via the REST API.
It seems that the storage/passwords endpoint doesn't work well with framework setup screens at the moment: You can only read a password from the 'clear_password' field of a "storage/passwords" entity. However writing must be done to the 'password' field. The default setup fields are not designed for this kind of asymmetry.
Easy solution (1): Store username/password in custom conf file instead of "storage/passwords". This is covered in the setup view tutorial.
Harder solution (2): Use a custom load & save function for the fields related to "storage/passwords" that work around the strangeness of the "storage/passwords" endpoint.
It seems that the storage/passwords endpoint doesn't work well with framework setup screens at the moment: You can only read a password from the 'clear_password' field of a "storage/passwords" entity. However writing must be done to the 'password' field. The default setup fields are not designed for this kind of asymmetry.
Easy solution (1): Store username/password in custom conf file instead of "storage/passwords". This is covered in the setup view tutorial.
Harder solution (2): Use a custom load & save function for the fields related to "storage/passwords" that work around the strangeness of the "storage/passwords" endpoint.