Hi, my data is mostly in NY and some in other states. The map rendered, I can max zoom to the state level, I want zoom into NewYork to show the cities I am passing the data for. Below is the spl, why cant I zoom in at the city level since I am passing the lat/long for zipcodes?
source="swerve_sales.csv" host="swerve" sourcetype="csv-sales" date_year="2015"
| join ZIP [search source="zipcode_geo.csv" host="swerve" source="zipcode_geo.csv" | rename Zipcode AS ZIP]
| geostats maxzoomlevel=9 binspanlong=22.5 binspanlat=45.0 latfield=Lat longfield=Long count by CUSTOMERID
Are you using the default Splunk "greyscale" map tiles?
If so, hit Format -> Tiles -> Presets -> Open Street Map to get map tiles that will zoom in all the way. Additionally, increase the maxzoomlevel=9
in your search.