Hi all,
My fields looks like this:
I can see my total CommittedBytes and my PercentCommittedBytesInUse. But what I need is MB in use instead of just the percentage. Does anyone know a good way to do the math on the conversion?
you should do something like this
| eval CommittedBytes_MB=round(CommittedBytes/1000000,2)
In more accurate way you should try
| eval CommittedBytes(MB) = round(CommittedBytes/1024/1024,2)
let me know if this helps!
you should do something like this
| eval CommittedBytes_MB=round(CommittedBytes/1000000,2)
In more accurate way you should try
| eval CommittedBytes(MB) = round(CommittedBytes/1024/1024,2)
let me know if this helps!
Okay so this is still achievable using simple math.
Step1:Calculate UsedBytes
Step2 : convert bytes to MB
Try this search query
| eval UsedBytes=(PercentCommittedBytesInUse/100)*CommittedBytes | eval UsedMB=UsedBytes/1024/1024
Let me know if this helps!
This is great, thanks!
Hi bcyates,
Are you looking for something like.
CommittedBytes(MB) = CommittedBytes/1000000
= 1610014720/1000000
= 1610.01472 MB