I'm trying to use SplunkIt. I get to the point in the install where I see both my user machine and my server machine in the grinder console. I hit Action -> Start Processes and it seems to whiz along, however I find that splunkit-user seems to bomb out with:
Java exception creating per-thread TestRunner object
File "./search/user_medium.py", line 50, in __init__
Caused by: org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException: Failed to connect to binary FirefoxBinary(/usr/bin/firefox) on port 7055; process output follows:
Error: no display specified
Essentially saying that it can't open my DISPLAY because it's not defined. Note that I'm not running this on a headless machine.
My splunkit-user/splunkit.properties file contains
When I run ant with
nohup ant grinder -lib thirdparty/ant -verbose &
it even reports:
[SplunkIt Search Test] Setting environment variable: DISPLAY=:1
Note that I've attempted this with both DISPLAY=:0 and DISPLAY=:1. I've attempted to validate that this works by running
xterm -display :0
xterm -display :1
from the same window I ran "ant" from. With :0, I get an xterm window, with :1, I don't get one, but it doesn't error out either. I assume that it somehow runs that window in such a way that I can't see it. With either :0 or :1 though, I get the same splunkit-user error where it's telling me I haven't set DISPLAY.
I'm logged into this machine (an OpenSuSE 12.1 workstation) in a KDE session and Xvfb is running automatically so I couldn't start up another one.
I also tried with "xhost +" but that didn't help as I suspect it wouldn't since this doesn't seem to be a permissions issue, but rather than java just isn't seeing the DISPLAY being set for some reason.
Oh, and I've also made sure $DISPLAY is exported into my bash environment.
What am I doing wrong?
for future ref, switching from openjdk to the oracle version seems to have solved the DISPLAY issue above (reason unclear)
for future ref, switching from openjdk to the oracle version seems to have solved the DISPLAY issue above (reason unclear)