I am getting java exception error Exception(' java.sql.SQLException: Missing IN or OUT parameter at index:: 1 while trying to run below query from DB connect app 2.4v using rising column input.
SELECT target_name,
FROM sysman.mgmt$metric_details
WHERE metric_name = 'tbspAllocation'
AND collection_timestamp > ?
ORDER BY 1,2,3,4,5
Any help on fixing this is much appreciated. Thank you.
Not the same scenario but I got the similar error / issue so below is how i got it and then how I resolved it.
I was using a timestamp table coulmn in a calculation and using that calculation to create new column for rising column as follows (b was timestamp table coulmn):
select a,b,extract(hour from b) as c from myTable
where c > ?
order by c asc
Issue here was I cannot use an alias c in where clause, so db connect was giving me the error mentioned in question. This is how I resolved it by writing expression twice:
select a,b,c from
( select a,b, extract(hour from b) as c from myTable )
where c > ?
order by c asc
Also having this issue! Upgrade from DBX v1 to v3 and cannot get my current SQL accepted. Removing the checkpoint value line allows the GUI to run the SQL but then it doesnt fuifill the acceptance criteria and i can get no further in the process.....
Hi Navanitha,
I have also got this error today while setting up DB connect for one of the applications in prod environment. Please try to execute the query first in Database, if it works then please select relevant schema for this query and execute. Let me know if it works for you..
Missing parameter would indicate that is having some difficulty with the checkpoint value. Is there a checkpoint file for this input? Does it contain valid data?