I want to use "snowflake" icon in the status indicator visualization for my panel. I tried using the xml option for that, but the icon is not showing up. I referred below documentation to use the xml option :
<option name="status_indicator_app.status_indicator.fixIcon">snowflake</option>
for fixIcon option, accepted values says that "any fontAwesome icon name" can be used from fontawesome library. But when I specify that icon in xml option, it is not working. Link for the icon is - https://fontawesome.com/icons?d=gallery&q=snowflake
Please help me how to resolve this issue, if anybody has done it ?
@pgadhari Status Indicator Custom Visualization is built on top of version 4.5.0
which does not have the icon you are looking for.
As an alternate you can try out the unicode character: https://emojipedia.org/snowflake/
You can put this in front of your data so that it shows up in Status Indicator as static icon.
Following is an old answer with this approach on table, but you can try with Status Indicator as well: https://answers.splunk.com/answers/687734/how-do-you-add-buttons-on-table-view.html
| makeresults
| fields - _time
| eval data=random()
| eval data="❄️ ".data
Another alternate would be to use the Scalable Vector Graphincs app and build out Snowflake directly through SPL in the visualization alongside your data.
@pgadhari Status Indicator Custom Visualization is built on top of version 4.5.0
which does not have the icon you are looking for.
As an alternate you can try out the unicode character: https://emojipedia.org/snowflake/
You can put this in front of your data so that it shows up in Status Indicator as static icon.
Following is an old answer with this approach on table, but you can try with Status Indicator as well: https://answers.splunk.com/answers/687734/how-do-you-add-buttons-on-table-view.html
| makeresults
| fields - _time
| eval data=random()
| eval data="❄️ ".data
Another alternate would be to use the Scalable Vector Graphincs app and build out Snowflake directly through SPL in the visualization alongside your data.
Thanks @niketnilay. I will try this out and revert.
This works great. Thanks @niketnilay. Answer accepted.
can someone reply on this please ?