Hi Team,
We are using Splunk 6.5 version and when i tried to navigate to Apps manage in Search Head server and when i tried to add more apps it loading for very long time and it finally throwed an error as " Error connecting: Connect Timeout" not sure where the issue is so kindly need your opinions to fix the same.
You may need to run a diag and open a case with Splunk as more details/error information would be helpful. I have had issues with a particular app and needed to edit the web.conf but your information is a little unclear - have a look at the following, it may help.
My Query is simple :
I have logged into search head web URL server and then in the App section I have clicked the (+) symbol (i.e. Find More Apps) page so once I have clicked it its getting redirected to Browse More Apps page and its loading for long time and finally it throws an error as " Error connecting: Connect Timeout"
I have tried to edit the web.conf file and restarted the search head also but still the issue exist so if you have any other views kindly share the same.
any one can help on this request
Hi All,
Kindly let me know what would be the issue and if you need any more information kindly let me know.
Can anyone help here.