I have 2 searches and the results are as below
1st search result:
xyz 200 400 500 600 502
Add 0 1 0 0 0
Delete 0 2 1 3 4
2nd search result:
wer 200 400 500 600 502
Add_call 0 1 0 0 0
Now_call 0 2 1 3 4
Kindly help!!
@Deepz2612 ,
OK based on the comments try ,
"your base search to get API and Service events"
|eval _tmp=Service."#".api|chart count over _tmp by response_code
|rex field=_tmp "(?<Service>.+)#(?<api>.+)"|fields Service,api,*
@Deepz2612 ,
OK based on the comments try ,
"your base search to get API and Service events"
|eval _tmp=Service."#".api|chart count over _tmp by response_code
|rex field=_tmp "(?<Service>.+)#(?<api>.+)"|fields Service,api,*
@Deepz2612 ,
so did you check why this is not working? It works for a test data, so we should look into your events. Do you see some data for
your base search Service=* api=* |head 10 |table Service api response_code|eval tmp=Service."#".api
This worked!
Can you try combing API and Service values together (with some delimiter) and then run chart command: like:
eval X = Api . "/ ". Service | Chart values(total) over X by response_code
After this you can split the combined value in separate fields.
Nope this is not working..
The concatenation and chart over concatenated field is fetching no results..
So both the above suggestions are not working..