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Combine base search with ldapsearch


Hi All!

I have a base search that just reports users connected to a vpn service.

index=netvpn | stats count by user

Very simple, i then want to run those users against an ldapsearch and get their employeeType and displayName, is there anyway i can subsearch to achieve this? I have already tried:

 index=netvpn sourcetype="pulse:connectsecure"
| stats count by user
[| ldapsearch domain=*obfuscated* search="(sAMAccountName=$user$)" attrs="employeeType displayName" ]
| table employeeType, displayName

But i don't get any results, am i close? Oh and the output of "user" in the base search is the sAMAccountName in Active Directory, so i shouldn't need to rename any fields.

I do also have a scheduled search running to output the base search to a csv, if it makes the process any easier!

Many thanks,

0 Karma

Ultra Champion
index=netvpn sourcetype="pulse:connectsecure"
 | stats values(user) as users
 | eval user="(".mvjoin(users," OR ").")"
 | ldapsearch domain=*obfuscated* search="(sAMAccountName=$user$)" attrs="employeeType displayName" 
 | table employeeType, displayName

ldapsearch works by single value.
so, use map OR try like this.

0 Karma


Subsearches run first so there is no value of $user$ available. Instead, consider the map command.

index=netvpn sourcetype="pulse:connectsecure"
| stats count by user
| map user search="| ldapsearch domain=*obfuscated* search=\"(sAMAccountName=$user$)\" attrs=\"employeeType displayName\" "
| table employeeType, displayName

Even better would be to use ldapsearch to create a lookup file that can be accessed from other searches. Run this as scheduled search each day:

| ldapsearch domain=*obfuscated* search="(sAMAccountName=*)" attrs="employeeType displayName"
| table sAMAccountName, employeeType, displayName
| outputlookup employeeTypes.csv

Then consult the lookup file. This is far faster than reaching out to LDAP many times and will keep your admins happy.

 index=netvpn sourcetype="pulse:connectsecure"
| stats count by user
| lookup employeeTypes.csv sAMAccountName
| table employeeType, displayName
If this reply helps you, Karma would be appreciated.
0 Karma


Hi Rich,

Thank you for those suggestions 🙂 Agreed yes it would be more efficient to use a lookup, so i'll definitely be looking into that method. I did just try the first suggestion (to check it pulls data) and i get the error:

Error in 'map' command: Unable to find saved search 'user'. 

I'll try the lookup suggestion now 🙂

0 Karma


The map command failed because I flubbed the syntax. Try the updated answer.

If this reply helps you, Karma would be appreciated.
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