I would like to visualize splunk query results on choropleth maps.
Can the Google Maps Splunk App make choropleth maps?
I realize that the Google Maps Splunk App can geocode ip addresses to zip codes using MaxMind's geo-ip mapping.
Can the Google Maps Splunk App make maps using custom sales regions?
If these features do not exist, are there any alternative Splunk mapping apps or any plans in the future by Splunk developers to develop an app that visualizes Splunk queries as a choropleth map, and using custom sales regions?
Splunk 6.3 introduced Choropleth Maps as a new visualization type, and Geospatial Lookups as a new lookup type.
You can create your own geospatial lookup (e.g. based on custom sales regions or zip codes) by uploading a KMZ that contains the specific boundaries.
You can find more information on Choropleth Maps and Geospatial Indexes in the Splunk Docs for 6.3.
Splunk 6.3 introduced Choropleth Maps as a new visualization type, and Geospatial Lookups as a new lookup type.
You can create your own geospatial lookup (e.g. based on custom sales regions or zip codes) by uploading a KMZ that contains the specific boundaries.
You can find more information on Choropleth Maps and Geospatial Indexes in the Splunk Docs for 6.3.
Take a look at geoScore.
This splunk app has been removed because we feel it is not ready for public consumption at the moment -- apologies.