Hello there,
I am struggling to incorporate the eval command into a timewrap command. I would like to calculate the percent_total, over time. Specifically, day over day, for the last 4 weeks. Using the example provided in the custom timewrap app is not super helpful:
| inputlookup rides-by-hour.csv | eval _time=strptime(Date_Time, "%D %R") | timechart span=1h sum(Rides) as "Uber Rides"
I tried to tweak it as shown below, however, it is not broken down by Month as nicely as in the example from above.
base search |
| bucket _time span=1h
| stats count(eval(payment_method="credit_card")) as creditcard, count(payment_method) AS total by _time
| eval percent=(creditcard*100/total)
Any help is much appreciated.
Hi @demkic,
Just to clarify for some of the previous responders, since you're using the timewrap custom visualization there's no need to wrap the results in your SPL. The visualization takes in a single time series and wraps it for you. There are, however, a couple of limitations to the visualization:
| bin _time
will not fill in time gaps that exist in your data.So I think if you switch to using the timechart
command, and remove the intermediate calculation fields from the final results, you'll get what you're looking for:
base search
| timechart span=1h count(eval(payment_method="credit_card")) as creditcard, count(payment_method) AS total
| eval percent=(creditcard*100/total)
| fields _time, percent
Let me know if that helps!
Hi @demkic,
Just to clarify for some of the previous responders, since you're using the timewrap custom visualization there's no need to wrap the results in your SPL. The visualization takes in a single time series and wraps it for you. There are, however, a couple of limitations to the visualization:
| bin _time
will not fill in time gaps that exist in your data.So I think if you switch to using the timechart
command, and remove the intermediate calculation fields from the final results, you'll get what you're looking for:
base search
| timechart span=1h count(eval(payment_method="credit_card")) as creditcard, count(payment_method) AS total
| eval percent=(creditcard*100/total)
| fields _time, percent
Let me know if that helps!
Yes, precisely! I see now. If I wanted to see a week-over-week view for the month of February, would I tweak the above with the following?:
base search | where match(Date, "Feb")
| eval _time = strptime(Date, "%d-%b-%y")
| timechart span=1h count(eval(payment_method="credit_card")) as creditcard, count(payment_method) AS total
| eval percent=(creditcard*100/total)
| fields _time, percent
Yep, you're on the right track. First off, if you're creating a week-over-week view, you'll want to use the span=1d
option to timechart
so that the granularity of the results match what the visualization is going to show.
And I'm guessing you can remove the | eval _time=strptime(Date_Time, "%D %R")
. The examples use that because they're pulling the raw data from a CSV lookup file so they have to manually create the _time
field. If you're searching over indexed data, the _time
field will already exist.
thank you for your advice
It seems that when I try to use the sample query's from the "Timewrap Chart Gallery" in the custom timewrap app, I am not able to translate the SPL correctly to fit my data. I am having the same struggles with trying to plot the percent, hour over hour, for March 8, 2017 for example.
base search |
| eval _time=strptime(Date_Time, "%D %R")
| timechart span=1h count(eval(payment_method="credit_card")) as creditcard, count(payment_method) AS total
| eval percent=(creditcard*100/total)
| fields _time, percent
Like this:
Spoof your data:
|makeresults | eval raw="02/01/2017 cc::
02/01/2017 cc::
02/01/2017 cc::
02/01/2017 dc::
02/01/2017 dc::
02/01/2017 r::
02/01/2017 r::
02/02/2017 cc::
02/02/2017 dc::
02/02/2017 ach::
02/03/2017 ach::
02/03/2017 dp::
02/04/2017 dp::
02/04/2017 dp"
| makemv delim="::" raw
| mvexpand raw
| eval _time = strptime(raw, "%m/%d/%y")
| rename raw AS _raw
| rex "\s+(?<PaymentMethod>\D+)"
Now the solution(s):
| bin _time span=1d
| top PaymentMethod BY _time
Or, doing the top
magic ourselves:
| bin _time span=1d
| timechart span=1d count BY PaymentMethod
| untable _time PaymentMethod count
| eventstats sum(count) AS total BY _time
| eval pct = 100*(count/total)
| timechart span=1d first(pct) BY PaymentMethod
Can you please explain your reasoning for the untable
and first
command within the query? It is much appreciated, thank you.
You see how timechart takes distinct values of a single BY
field (one column) and makes each value a new field name (many columns)? The untable
command allows you to reverse that and take many columns and return them to a single column so that we can do the row-only math that we need to do. I chose first
when rolling back up because all the values are the same and first
would be the most efficient; I could have used just about anything to get the same result (e.g. last
, avg
, man
, max
, etc.).
-> min
HA!, yes, true.
Thank you so much for your response, this result is really wonderful to have. However, it doesn't show week-over-week for only the PaymentMethod=cc. I am trying to see the % of total for PaymentMethod=cc for this week as compared to the last week as compared to 2 weeks ago. Essentially in the x-axis I should have Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, etc...and the legend will be this week, last week. 2 weeks ago.
What this will tell me is that out of all payment methods used (cc, dc, dd, ach), credit cards were used 40% of the time on Wednesday of this week, but 36% of the time on Wednesday of last week, etc...
woodcock has pretty much done that for you.
your base search that produces one record for each transaction with only _time and PaymentMethod
| bin _time span=1d
| stats count as countPM by PaymentMethod _time
| eventstats sum(countPM) as countTot by _time
| eval countPct = round(100*countPM/countTot,2)
| where PaymentMethod="cc"
| table _time PaymentMethod countPM countTot countPct
I appreciate both of your inputs, thank you. I was initially using the custom timewrap extension but am seeing that timechart could be an easier method sometimes.
Be sure to Up-Vote
good/working answers, and Accept
the best one.
OK, like this:
| bin _time span=1d
| timechart span=1d count BY PaymentMethod
| untable _time PaymentMethod count
| eventstats sum(count) AS total BY _time
| eval pct = 100*(count/total)
| search PaymentMethod="cc"
| timechart span=1d first(pct) BY PaymentMethod
| timewrap 1w
Can you provide specific numbers as an example?
For instance, suppose we just wanted to do it for week over week with this data for two weeks - what would the expected output look like?
02/01/2017 30 100
02/02/2017 25 90
02/03/2017 30 100
02/04/2017 38 120
02/05/2017 40 85
02/06/2017 31 100
02/07/2017 30 113
02/08/2017 30 100
02/09/2017 26 124
02/10/2017 30 102
02/11/2017 42 105
02/12/2017 32 87
02/13/2017 28 136
02/14/2017 30 100
Here's some run-anywhere code to generate test data, for when I know what kind of a report you are actually looking for.
| makeresults count=28 | streamstats count as dayno
| eval cc=tonumber(substr(tostring(random()),2,2)) + tonumber(substr(tostring(random()),2,2))
| eval total=cc+tonumber(substr(tostring(random()),2,2)) + tonumber(substr(tostring(random()),2,2))+tonumber(substr(tostring(random()),2,2)) + tonumber(substr(tostring(random()),2,2))
| eval _time=strptime("01/28/2017","%m/%d/%Y")+dayno*86400
| table _time dayno cc total
| eval weekstart=strftime(relative_time(_time,"@w"),"%Y-%m-%d")
| eval cc_pct=cc/total
| delta cc_pct p=7
Here is an example of what the data looks like:
DATE PaymentMethod
02/01/2017 cc
02/01/2017 cc
02/01/2017 cc
02/01/2017 dc
02/01/2017 dc
02/01/2017 r
02/01/2017 r
02/02/2017 cc
02/02/2017 dc
02/02/2017 ach
02/03/2017 ach
02/03/2017 dp
02/04/2017 dp
02/04/2017 dp
I would like to plot only the percent where payment_method=cc was used for week-over-week or day-over-day. The total will be adding up all the columns (maybe using eventstats?). In the example above, essentially total for 02/01/2017=7 and therefore percent_creditcard=3/7=43% for that day.
woodcock has pretty much done that for you.
your base search that produces one record for each transaction with only _time and PaymentMethod
| bin _time span=1d
| stats count as countPM by PaymentMethod _time
| eventstats sum(countPM) as countTot by _time
| eval countPct = round(100*countPM/countTot,2)
| where PaymentMethod="cc"
| table _time PaymentMethod countPM countTot countPct
That gives you a single series of one record per day, with counts and percentages.
| delta countPct as changePct1day p=1
| delta countPct as changePct7days p=7
That gives you the change from the prior day and from the same day the prior week.