How does a user configure the following on the Splunk Cloud?
From the directions:
Populate list of internal domains to enable Splunk to filter non-‐‐corporate domains.
1. Navigate to the domains.csv file contained in the Splunk For Box folder. The path is ~/etc/apps/BoxAppForSplunk/lookups
2. Modify the domains.csv file to contain your corporate domains. Fill in the corp_code of “1” next to each.
I figured out my question after posting so posting for others to read and for Box to update their documentation to help others on the Splunk Cloud.
Now the Box for Splunk app should read in your domains.csv file on Splunk Cloud to accurate display non-corp logins and events on the dashboards.
I figured out my question after posting so posting for others to read and for Box to update their documentation to help others on the Splunk Cloud.
Now the Box for Splunk app should read in your domains.csv file on Splunk Cloud to accurate display non-corp logins and events on the dashboards.
did you get solution for this ?? am getting the same error. please share if you already solved it.
I did that but my problem is that I can't get the key. However, I found somewhere else that using a different browser fixes this. Chrome got me a little farther, now I get past some of these steps and I'm able to login to box. the problem is when I hit save in "Box REST API Setup", I get this error:
Encountered the following error while trying to update: In handler 'localapps': Error while posting to url=/servicesNS/nobody/BoxAppForSplunk/boxauth/doboxauth/default
Now I don't have a clue