while checking our app with AppInspect v2.2.0 an extract in props.conf was flagged with this error :
[EXTRACT-nfo_hostname] setting in props.conf specified a regex without any named capturing group. This is an incorrect usage. Please include at least one named capturing group. File: default/props.conf Line Number: 19
Line 19 is :
EXTRACT-nfo_hostname = ((\w{3}\s+\d{1,2}\s\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2})|(1\s\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}.{1}\d{2}:\d{2}))\s+(?P<nfo_hostname>[^ ]+)\s+(nfc_id|NFO)
It has a named capturing group : (?P<nfo_hostname>[^ ]+)
What could be wrong? The error is not present when checking the built spl file with the CLI version of AppInspect v2.2.0
In my opinion it might be a bug in AppInspect. Attempted to email appinspect@splunk.com, but it is bouncing back. Is there some other channel to reach the AppInspect team?
I had found out that it is a bug which will be fixed in the future.