Hi, after installing the F5 app using the Splunk 4.2 web interface (not through unzipping manually in ..etc/apps folder), when i restart Splunk, i get this warning message (before configuring the F5 app):
Checking conf files for typos...
Possible typo in stanza [connection_failed] in /opt/splunk/etc/apps/SplunkforF5/default/eventtypes.conf, line 3: viewstate.resultView = normalView
Possible typo in stanza [connection_success] in /opt/splunk/etc/apps/SplunkforF5/default/eventtypes.conf, line 7: viewstate.resultView = normalView
Since the current version of the F5 app is older than the release of Splunk version 4.2, is the current F5 app compatible with Splunk 4.2?
Either ignore it since its warning messages. Or upgrade to the new F5 apps and/or upgrade to the newer Splunk version 5 and above.
Either ignore it since its warning messages. Or upgrade to the new F5 apps and/or upgrade to the newer Splunk version 5 and above.
I have the same issue and would like to know if you found a solution.
It should - the "Checking conf files for typos" bit seems to be just a warning type of message. I've not heard of any issues installing the applications.