After upgrading to the latest Splunk App for Microsoft Exchange (Version 3.1.1) I have the following problem with the new kvstore function.
The initial setup-wizard appeared to complete successfully, but then we noticed that this error:
"Could not create search. Error in 'inputlookup' command: The lookup table 'External command based lookup 'hostInformation' is not available because KV Store initialization has failed. Please contact your system administrator.' is invalid."
If i try to "Migrate lookups to KVStore":
Encountered error while migrating. Attempt to lookup migration status failed with error: "503 (Service Unavailable): KV Store initialization failed. Please contact your system administrator."
If i try to "Build lookups":
Building lookup - Lookup - Database Information ...
Lookup - Database Information built. (took 0.53s)
Lookup - Database Information could not be built.
Building lookup - Lookup - Performance Counters ...
Building lookup - Lookup - Host Information ...
Lookup - Host Information built. (took 0.59s)
Lookup - Host Information could not be built.
Lookup - Performance Counters built. (took 0.48s)
Lookup - Performance Counters could not be built.
Building lookup - WinApp_Lookup_Build_Perfmon - Update - Detail ...
Building lookup - WinApp_Lookup_Build_Perfmon - Update - Server ...
Building lookup - WinApp_Lookup_Build_Event - Update - Detail ...
Building lookup - WinApp_Lookup_Build_Event - Update - Server ...
WinApp_Lookup_Build_Event - Update - Server built. (took 0.55s)
WinApp_Lookup_Build_Event - Update - Server could not be built.
WinApp_Lookup_Build_Perfmon - Update - Detail built. (took 0.67s)
WinApp_Lookup_Build_Perfmon - Update - Detail could not be built.
WinApp_Lookup_Build_Perfmon - Update - Server built. (took 0.64s)
WinApp_Lookup_Build_Perfmon - Update - Server could not be built.
WinApp_Lookup_Build_Event - Update - Detail built. (took 0.56s)
WinApp_Lookup_Build_Event - Update - Detail could not be built.
Building lookup - WinApp_Lookup_Build_Hostmon - Update - Server ...
Building lookup - WinApp_Lookup_Build_Hostmon_Machine - Update - Detail ...
Building lookup - WinApp_Lookup_Build_Hostmon_Services - Update - Detail ...
Building lookup - WinApp_Lookup_Build_Hostmon_Process - Update - Detail ...
Building lookup - WinApp_Lookup_Build_Hostmon_FS - Update - Detail ...
Building lookup - WinApp_Lookup_Build_Netmon - Update - Detail ...
Building lookup - WinApp_Lookup_Build_Netmon - Update - Server ...
Building lookup - WinApp_Lookup_Build_Printmon - Update ...
WinApp_Lookup_Build_Hostmon_Process - Update - Detail built. (took 0.67s)
WinApp_Lookup_Build_Hostmon_Process - Update - Detail could not be built.
WinApp_Lookup_Build_Hostmon_FS - Update - Detail built. (took 0.75s)
WinApp_Lookup_Build_Hostmon_FS - Update - Detail could not be built.
WinApp_Lookup_Build_Printmon - Update built. (took 0.67s)
WinApp_Lookup_Build_Printmon - Update could not be built.
WinApp_Lookup_Build_Netmon - Update - Detail built. (took 0.61s)
WinApp_Lookup_Build_Netmon - Update - Detail could not be built.
WinApp_Lookup_Build_Hostmon - Update - Server built. (took 0.64s)
WinApp_Lookup_Build_Hostmon - Update - Server could not be built.
WinApp_Lookup_Build_Hostmon_Services - Update - Detail built. (took 0.66s)
WinApp_Lookup_Build_Hostmon_Services - Update - Detail could not be built.
WinApp_Lookup_Build_Netmon - Update - Server built. (took 0.58s)
WinApp_Lookup_Build_Netmon - Update - Server could not be built.
Building lookup - SiteInfo_Lookup_Update ...
Building lookup - ActiveDirectory: Update GPO Lookup ...
Building lookup - DomainSelector_Lookup ...
Building lookup - tSessions_Lookup_Update ...
Building lookup - HostToDomain_Lookup_Update ...
Building lookup - tHostInfo_Lookup_Update ...
Building lookup - ActiveDirectory: Update Group Lookup ...
Building lookup - ActiveDirectory: Update User Lookup ...
Building lookup - ActiveDirectory: Update Computer Lookup ...
SiteInfo_Lookup_Update built. (took 0.56s)
SiteInfo_Lookup_Update could not be built.
ActiveDirectory: Update GPO Lookup built. (took 0.45s)
ActiveDirectory: Update GPO Lookup could not be built.
HostToDomain_Lookup_Update built. (took 0.73s)
HostToDomain_Lookup_Update could not be built.
ActiveDirectory: Update Computer Lookup built. (took 0.64s)
ActiveDirectory: Update Computer Lookup could not be built.
ActiveDirectory: Update User Lookup built. (took 0.69s)
ActiveDirectory: Update User Lookup could not be built.
DomainSelector_Lookup built. (took 0.80s)
DomainSelector_Lookup could not be built.
ActiveDirectory: Update Group Lookup built. (took 0.69s)
ActiveDirectory: Update Group Lookup could not be built.
tSessions_Lookup_Update built. (took 0.70s)
tSessions_Lookup_Update could not be built.
tHostInfo_Lookup_Update built. (took 0.72s)
tHostInfo_Lookup_Update could not be built.
WinApp_Lookup_Build_Hostmon_Machine - Update - Detail built. (took 12.23s)
WinApp_Lookup_Build_Hostmon_Machine - Update - Detail could not be built.
The /services/server/introspection/kvstore/serverstatus on the SH show:
In handler 'kvstore-serverstatus': failed to get introspection data
mongod.exe isnt running on the SH. I tried restarting splunk / the server but it doesn't start up with splunk.
When I manually run "mongod.exe" on the SH (Windows 2012 R2):
D:\Splunk\bin>mongod --dbpath=D:\Splunk\var\lib\splunk/kvstore\mongo --port=8191 --timeStampFormat=iso8601-utc --smallfiles --oplogSize=1000
2015-02-09T18:46:28.242Z [initandlisten] MongoDB starting : pid=3648 port=8191 dbpath=D:\Splunk\var\lib\splunk/kvstore\m
ongo 64-bit host=SEARCHHEAD_NAME
2015-02-09T18:46:28.242Z [initandlisten]
2015-02-09T18:46:28.242Z [initandlisten] ** WARNING: You are running on a NUMA machine.
2015-02-09T18:46:28.242Z [initandlisten] ** We suggest disabling NUMA in the machine BIOS
2015-02-09T18:46:28.242Z [initandlisten] ** by enabling interleaving to avoid performance problems.
2015-02-09T18:46:28.242Z [initandlisten] ** See your BIOS documentation for more information.
2015-02-09T18:46:28.242Z [initandlisten]
2015-02-09T18:46:28.242Z [initandlisten] targetMinOS: Windows 7/Windows Server 2008 R2
2015-02-09T18:46:28.242Z [initandlisten] db version v2.6.4-splunk
2015-02-09T18:46:28.242Z [initandlisten] git version: beb52e78e1f3293130e7c4c7538bae49db11ecd9
2015-02-09T18:46:28.242Z [initandlisten] OpenSSL version: OpenSSL 1.0.1j-fips 15 Oct 2014
2015-02-09T18:46:28.242Z [initandlisten] build info: windows sys.getwindowsversion(major=6, minor=1, build=7601, platfor
m=2, service_pack='Service Pack 1') BOOST_LIB_VERSION=1_49
2015-02-09T18:46:28.242Z [initandlisten] allocator: system
2015-02-09T18:46:28.242Z [initandlisten] options: { net: { port: 8191 }, replication: { oplogSizeMB: 1000 }, storage: {
dbPath: "D:\Splunk\var\lib\splunk/kvstore\mongo", smallFiles: true }, systemLog: { timeStampFormat: "iso8601-utc" } }
2015-02-09T18:46:28.258Z [initandlisten] journal dir=D:\Splunk\var\lib\splunk/kvstore\mongo\journal
2015-02-09T18:46:28.258Z [initandlisten] recover : no journal files present, no recovery needed
2015-02-09T18:46:28.383Z [initandlisten] waiting for connections on port 8191
Could someone point me in the right direction? 🙂
I ran ProcMon while restarting splunk and found out that I had this one ACCESS DENIED entry:
Edit: I should point out that this problem has been around for 7 days - So even tho there is a new modify-date on the file this problem existed before that date.
The path is D:\Splunk\var\lib\splunk\kvstore\mongo\s_splunk74nHmRcOKKKd57KUS+JhiJYM_Exch*****.0
I was checking permissions on the \journal\ folder/files
So I looked - and surely only MY user has permissions on that file. All the other files have the correct permissions.
Im not saying its impossible, but Im pretty sure I havn
t touched the file.
After fixing the permissions and restarting splunk the mongod.exe process starts up with Splunk and everything seems to be working.
I ran ProcMon while restarting splunk and found out that I had this one ACCESS DENIED entry:
Edit: I should point out that this problem has been around for 7 days - So even tho there is a new modify-date on the file this problem existed before that date.
The path is D:\Splunk\var\lib\splunk\kvstore\mongo\s_splunk74nHmRcOKKKd57KUS+JhiJYM_Exch*****.0
I was checking permissions on the \journal\ folder/files
So I looked - and surely only MY user has permissions on that file. All the other files have the correct permissions.
Im not saying its impossible, but Im pretty sure I havn
t touched the file.
After fixing the permissions and restarting splunk the mongod.exe process starts up with Splunk and everything seems to be working.
I have read both posts.
The first post talks about a "Service".
I can't find any service called "mongod" (Maybe this is the problem? This should be a Windows Service listed under services.msc?)
The 2nd post solves the problem by "I deleted the mongod.lock file from C:Program FilesSplunkvarlibsplunkkvstoremongo and restarted my Splunk instance, and now things are working as expected. " and that solution doesn`t work for me.
This is from "mongod" logfile:
2015-02-09T19:27:03.301Z [initandlisten] journal dir=D:\Splunk\var\lib\splunk/kvstore\mongo\journal
2015-02-09T19:27:03.301Z [initandlisten] recover begin
2015-02-09T19:27:03.301Z [initandlisten] info no lsn file in journal/ directory
2015-02-09T19:27:03.301Z [initandlisten] recover lsn: 0
2015-02-09T19:27:03.301Z [initandlisten] recover D:\Splunk\var\lib\splunk/kvstore\mongo\journal\j._0
2015-02-09T19:27:03.301Z [initandlisten] CreateFileW for D:\Splunk\var\lib\splunk/kvstore\mongo\journal\j._0 failed with errno:5 Access is denied. (file size is 16384) in MemoryMappedFile::map
2015-02-09T19:27:03.301Z [initandlisten] Assertion: 13544:recover error couldn't open D:\Splunk\var\lib\splunk/kvstore\mongo\journal\j._0
2015-02-09T19:27:03.426Z [initandlisten] mongod.exe mongo::parseNumberFromStringWithBase<unsigned __int64>+0x702353
2015-02-09T19:27:03.426Z [initandlisten] mongod.exe mongo::parseNumberFromStringWithBase<unsigned __int64>+0x6a97df
2015-02-09T19:27:03.426Z [initandlisten] mongod.exe mongo::parseNumberFromStringWithBase<unsigned __int64>+0x695a29
2015-02-09T19:27:03.426Z [initandlisten] mongod.exe mongo::parseNumberFromStringWithBase<unsigned __int64>+0x695933
2015-02-09T19:27:03.426Z [initandlisten] mongod.exe mongo::parseNumberFromStringWithBase<unsigned __int64>+0x2175dc
2015-02-09T19:27:03.426Z [initandlisten] mongod.exe mongo::parseNumberFromStringWithBase<unsigned __int64>+0x2167e8
2015-02-09T19:27:03.426Z [initandlisten] mongod.exe mongo::parseNumberFromStringWithBase<unsigned __int64>+0x214463
2015-02-09T19:27:03.426Z [initandlisten] mongod.exe mongo::parseNumberFromStringWithBase<unsigned __int64>+0x2183c3
2015-02-09T19:27:03.426Z [initandlisten] mongod.exe mongo::parseNumberFromStringWithBase<unsigned __int64>+0x20592e
2015-02-09T19:27:03.426Z [initandlisten] mongod.exe mongo::parseNumberFromStringWithBase<unsigned __int64>+0xabea27
2015-02-09T19:27:03.426Z [initandlisten] mongod.exe mongo::parseNumberFromStringWithBase<unsigned __int64>+0xac0267
2015-02-09T19:27:03.426Z [initandlisten] mongod.exe mongo::parseNumberFromStringWithBase<unsigned __int64>+0xac0f02
2015-02-09T19:27:03.426Z [initandlisten] mongod.exe mongo::parseNumberFromStringWithBase<unsigned __int64>+0xac2e25
2015-02-09T19:27:03.426Z [initandlisten] mongod.exe mongo::parseNumberFromStringWithBase<unsigned __int64>+0xaff4f0
2015-02-09T19:27:03.426Z [initandlisten] KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk+0x22
2015-02-09T19:27:03.426Z [initandlisten]
2015-02-09T19:27:03.457Z [initandlisten] dbexception during recovery: 13544 recover error couldn't open D:\Splunk\var\lib\splunk/kvstore\mongo\journal\j._0
2015-02-09T19:27:03.457Z [initandlisten] exception in initAndListen: 13544 recover error couldn't open D:\Splunk\var\lib\splunk/kvstore\mongo\journal\j._0, terminating
2015-02-09T19:27:03.457Z [initandlisten] dbexit:
2015-02-09T19:27:03.457Z [initandlisten] shutdown: going to close listening sockets...
2015-02-09T19:27:03.457Z [initandlisten] shutdown: going to flush diaglog...
2015-02-09T19:27:03.457Z [initandlisten] shutdown: going to close sockets...
2015-02-09T19:27:03.457Z [initandlisten] shutdown: waiting for fs preallocator...
2015-02-09T19:27:03.457Z [initandlisten] shutdown: lock for final commit...
2015-02-09T19:27:03.457Z [initandlisten] shutdown: final commit...
2015-02-09T19:27:03.457Z [initandlisten] shutdown: closing all files...
2015-02-09T19:27:03.457Z [initandlisten] closeAllFiles() finished
2015-02-09T19:27:03.457Z [initandlisten] shutdown: removing fs lock...
2015-02-09T19:27:03.457Z [initandlisten] dbexit: really exiting now
Could you check if there are any other mongod processes on your machine are running?
Also could you verify what is the ownership of directory/files under this path D:\Splunk\var\lib\splunk/kvstore\mongo\journal\? Is it the same user as you run your splunk instance?
There are no other mongod-processes.
Splunkd is running as Local System
Journal folder has system account listed with "full control", owner is "Administrators", "effective permissions check" ok.
Hi Bravon,
If you found the solution to this issue, please share it. I am facing the same issue.
There are two previous postings that seem to indicate you can fix the problem by restarting the mongod service manually: