We are using the Add-on for LDAP and we are getting the error:
command="ldap", : unable to get default options from .conf
the ldap.conf
server = xxxx.xxxx.xx
port = 389
usessl = 0
binddn = uid=xxxxxxxxx,o=xxxxxxx,c=xxxx
basedn = o=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,c=xxx
password = xxxxxxxxx
ldap_filter = (objectclass=*)
We want to be able to query to openldap to create a lookup for all the users.
This configuration is the same that we use to get authentication and all works.
Hi jmallorquin,
I just uploaded the latest version of the TA, which does include a better debugging. Debugging can be enabled/disabled in the python script and the log can be found in $SPLUNK_HOME/var/log/splunk
cheers, MuS
Hi jmallorquin,
I just uploaded the latest version of the TA, which does include a better debugging. Debugging can be enabled/disabled in the python script and the log can be found in $SPLUNK_HOME/var/log/splunk
cheers, MuS
Good news!!!
Thanks. 🙂
Hi mus
Yes i did it
Hi jmallorquin,
I will soon upload an updated version of the app with more detailed debugging features ....
Hi jmallorquin,
did you copy it to the /local/
directory and do you have a [default]
stanza in your ldap.conf?