I'm able to make a connection and also pool/browse messages from the queue.
My configuration is very similar to what described here :
from inputs.conf
browse_mode = all
browse_queue_only = 1
durable = 0
index_message_header = 1
index_message_properties = 1
init_mode = jndi
jms_connection_factory_name = ConnectionFactory
jndi_initialcontext_factory = org.apache.activemq.jndi.ActiveMQInitialContextFactory
jndi_provider_url = tcp://
sourcetype = syslog
strip_newlines = 1
browse_frequency = -1
destination_user =
index = main
But I have some strange phenomena :
Let say I have 9 messages in Queue called TestQ2.
When I run source="jms://queue/:dynamicQueues/TestQ2"
I've got 9,890 events .
When I filtered it with
source="jms://queue/:dynamicQueues/TestQ2"|dedup event_id
I got 9 events.
Please assist.
Because you have browse mode enabled. Browsing does not dequeue messages. And you have the frequency at -1 , so essentially it is in a constant browsing state of the same 9 messages.
Hello ! This post is great !
I need know something, how can i create the?
jms_connection_factory_name & jndi_initialcontext_factory
Any documentation fot this objects?
Regards in advance !
ActiveMQ have good documentation : http://activemq.apache.org/jndi-support.html
Because you have browse mode enabled. Browsing does not dequeue messages. And you have the frequency at -1 , so essentially it is in a constant browsing state of the same 9 messages.
If you can't consume the message , and you have to use a queue (vs a topic) , then I suggest you use mirrored queues : http://activemq.apache.org/mirrored-queues.html
Then you can turn off browse mode and consume directly from that mirror queue and you'll only get 1 copy of each message indexed in Splunk.
Dequeue = take off the queue
Enqueue = put on the queue
Hello Damien,
and thank you for an answer.
I understand the point ,but what if I can't consume message ,I need only browse existing messages.
If I understand right this is what you mean when you use dequeue ?
When I change frequency to higher value,I see the same issue,but much slowly.
There are plenty of tools for browse (HermesJMS for example)
but I would like to offer to our client to use Splunk for JMS too.